Anyone else have family members following workout/diet myths?

I couldn't care any less for grammar on the internetz. lol

Anyhow...this just tells us just how uneducated we are as a race on this subject. IMO schools should educate kids a little more on this...starting from elementary school with basics and then dig a little more into it in high school.

I read previously in a post in this thread that a trainer told someones Mom not to eat chicken because it can cause protein poisoning. I cannot begin to tell you just how important it would be to go and see this trainer and tell him he is full of ****. I would do this - beleive it or not, when you work with peoples health, accuracy is important and it insults the intelligence of other trainers around him.

My mom thinks she knows more than me on this subject. Even after telling her I have been reading/studying in this field for years now...she is 50 years old, 5'3" and weighs 125lbs and thinks she needs to cut weight, she has horrible musculature and her eating habits suck. She doesn't listen to me and relies on gospel she hears from her friends and strangers. She thinks she knows proper exercises and when I asked her to show them to me, I literally fell to the floor and started laughing. I suggested to her that I could visit her twice a week to get her in shape and she doesn't feel like it. I have to give it to her though, she at least doesn't smoke 3 packs a day anymore.

My Dad, ugh. He is a bottomless pit of a beer drinker and smokes 1.5 packs per day, his eating habits are a little better than my moms but it is still ****ing horrible. I tried to get him to workout as well and he doesn't think he needs it. My Dad, even though he drinks this much, still works and is a super responsible man, he just likes his beer a lot. :)

My roommate eats kraft diner 90 times per month, does not workout and plays WoW 10 hours per day. Tried getting him to workout, but NO, again, this one also believes he does not need it.

The girls I know, hate working out, one of them gained a **** load of weight since I last saw her....disappointing... :(

One of my co-workers is in decent shape, my bosses wife (our secretary) is the only one in my immediate existence that has good eating habits and a good workout regimen. The other co-worker is obese, but he is doing well, he is always talking to me about how he is eating and how he is losing weight, he has lost nearly 20-30 pounds within a couple months...soon...hopefully he will come to the gym with me. My boss is probably just a little over his healthy weight...he his somewhat slim....if he wanted to...he could go to the gym and transform himself easily...

People need to wake the **** up and smell the roses, JESUS!


Definitely some good ones on here.

The biggest one with family and friends are simply the result of short-term goals. Many feel that you're "wasting your workout" if you eat a large meal afterward as if that individual workout makes a difference in fitness.

- most aren't big fools for scams and wasting money but they always ask me "what's the best supplement I can take to lose weight?"
- acknowledge that beer and liquor will cause weight gain but feel that wine is different
- they're lazy
- they make excuses why they can't exercise (time, old yet heeled injury, age)
- only look at the fat content in foods
- Grapes make you fat
- yoga, by itself, is a great way to lose weight, "tone, scalp, and lengthen" the body... I just get mad thinking about that
- Green tea makes you lose weight

Work: (way too many middle-aged women)
- they're always on a diet but they can eat whatever once they see even the slightly loss on the scale
- walking 30 minutes a day is all you need to stay fit

Friends: Half of my friends are in great shape. My fiance is also in amazing shape (slightly better than myself) who averages 5 miles a day running. The other half of my friends...

- don't/won't/can't accept the fact that alcohol consumption will lead to weight gain
- all try to spot reduce and ask me for spot reduction advice
- buy any supplement under the sun, take it for a week and say that it sucked

From Church:

- if you put two tablespoons of coconut oil in your coffee twice a day (meaning that you drink coffee at least twice a day) you can over 10 pounds a month
- an apple a day keeps you healthy and fit
- Diet Coke is just as bad as regular Coke because the fake sugar doesn't "trick" your stomache
Calling her fat will most definitely make her turn to food for comfort and she'll think "Well he already thinks I'm fat I might as well eat ****". Cook her healthy meals as surprise dinners and go on nice walks together, slowly she'll see the rush of adrenaline she gets from getting her body moving and things will fall into place!

I figured me losing 35lbs would motivate her, but alas, the only motivation she has is nabisco, and it is to open another box.

AND I would put her on a chain and run with her, but I can't find a good collar or harness. Suggestions