Anyone else have family members following workout/diet myths?

brother: "well I do bench press to lose fat in my chest and do bicep curls to lose fat in my arms"

mom: "David, if you consume to much chicken and such you can get protein poisoning."

Even though I told my brother about how you can't spot reduce fat (I said you need a good diet)...and my mom learned that from a freaking trainer!!

mom: "A body fat tester for what? Your only 17 your still growing"

brother: "I haven't eaten anything bad today, what are you talking about?

me: " You drank a Coke...."

brother: "Yeah, but thats it."

OMG my family gets on my nerves. My moms like "where did you learn all this crap". I said from nutrition forums. She says "well there not certified trainers david". (note that my moms trainer SUCKS)

/rant family is stubborn as a mule. I'm not gonna go on any further....At least I know I am the most fit in the house.

brother: "5x5 thats stupid, do 3x15".

okay thats brother has been dieting for 6 months and hasn't lost a pound. My mom actually did lose weight (dropped down from 300 to 216) but she has plateued for like months.
how old is your brother?

i had to get good info to my brother before he started on some dumb ****. he just lost about 40-50lbs since joining the army. i bought him NROL and had it sent to his post. told him to start strength I.

but ya i know so many people who just follow the popular ideas. my mother in law is always bragging about how she "hasnt eaten anything today", yet wonders why she is still like 180+lbs. She sits all night and watches tv. Does absolutely no activities. Eats one meal which is usually like some hot dogs, bread, and beets.
omg, i hate people like this. My family isnt' particularly victimized by such myths, but my friends/kids at my school are.

like "I eat a lean cuisine everday, I'm so fuking healthy, so FUKING HEALTHY, GOD DAMN, I AM HEALTHY. You know you lose weight by counting your calories dave?"
"yeah, I've lost 55 lbs"
"yeah, you just count the calories and u lose weight no matter what"
"do you know what ur counting for?"
"no, eat some fuking lean cuisine and count some calories and u'lll lose weight"
"you do that"
My mother - well the diet worked once so it will work again. This is the diet on which you eat one cracker an hour if you have gained weight and 2 if you havent.

My brother - Dude the only thing I eat before competition is boiled cabbage. Cabbage is the food of champions man (white water kayaker)

My Father - Eats anything edible including the fat he scrapes off his bbq (months old)

The Mrs - Should I eat this?
Me - No its got wayyyy to much sugar in it
The Mrs - A55hole
Me - You asked!
The Mrs - You could have lied
Me - telling lies wont help you trim some weight
The Mrs - My coach says im fine
Me - Ok, then why are you asking me?
The Mrs - You think Im fat

and so on and so on and so on!
My mum believes that people have a predetermined size which is why diets never work. That's probably also why she thought I was on steroids after I bulked up a lot; she'd always told me as a teen that I was just skinny and that was the way I would always be.

I think she used that excuse to comfort herself because she's always been overweight; it was the same thing she was told as a child
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My Mum thinks that if you weigh your food you have an eating disorder, my Sister thinks she's amazingly fit and the reason her muscles tire quickly is because she's 'so fit' that her lungs can take it but her muscles can't and that it has nothing to do with the fact it always happens when she stops eating carbs. My sister also believes that any vegetarian recipe is low fat and doesn't understand calories.
My dad believes that you don't need to exercise to lose weight, that if you just don't eat you'll lose weight like the people in starvation camps. He only ate 1 huge meal each day and lost 16lbs, but he is a 6' 300lb man, so it didn't take much to lose weight.
My sisters drive me nuts! They are both very low in body fat because they workout constantly, but they eat whatever they want because they believe they'll just burn it off. 1 eats PB&J and hot dogs almost daily and the other drinks at least 2 diet cokes a day and eats fast food and vending machine junk food everyday.
My family doesn't know ****, but they know more than some people just because they are around me when I utterly destroy them with knowledge at the dinner table. Of course I have to repeat myself about 1000 times to get it through their skulls. But otherwise they are just like the rest of the uneducated masses in that they make excuses to get themselves out of being responsible for their health (although they are healthier than many).
Not necessarily family, but it seems that most women are somehow afraid of gaining muscle (although this is true of some men as well).

Observations in a gym indicate that women rarely or never use any weight equipment. Many just do low intensity cardio -- probably in the so-called "fat burning zone". They don't seem to realize that higher aerobic intensities and/or HIIT would burn more calories for a given workout period, and provide better training effects (for endurance and/or sprinting power/speed respectively).

Women seem to be commonly concerned about losing weight, as opposed to getting their body fat into the healthy range (this is sometimes seen here, with women whose claimed height and weight give a BMI of 19 or less saying that they want to lose weight). Men seem to be commonly unconcerned about the extra body fat that they are carrying, especially if they have at least some muscle.
my family is really uneducated about this stuff too. my sister sticks to weightwatchers (inconsistently) and feels that as long as she stays within the required daily number of points, she can eat whatever she wants without caring whether it's actually nutritious or not. she refuses to eat fruit and many vegetables, saving her points for carbs and sugars as they keep her from feeling hungry.

she only has maybe 10-15 lb to lose (of body fat)

my aunt thinks that the best way to lose weight is to eat a small meal in the afternoon and nothing for the rest of the day. she avoids exercise as much as possible.
good luck convincing any of them to do otherwise. I tried that but have since given up.
my wife thinks you can just drink water to lose weight and eat a bag of pretzels or a box of vanilla wafers in one sitting.

my mother in law thinks as long as you walk on a treadmill for an hour a day and eat whatever you want you'll lose weight

I've realized that I'm the one who is the idiot. Wheres the vanilla wafers?
My family doesnt have a clue, but i dont really discuss diet with them.

Mates on the other hand i do discuss, and they DONT have a clue.

I keep a lot of the sh1t i no to myself now, because its not worth the hassel. They wont listen to me. I dont think they understand that diet is the most important thing.

Im sick of idiots also thinking that pasta is the number one thing you eat when working out! WTF

Infact im gonna stop now before i start or else ill get myself mad :)
Im sick of idiots also thinking that pasta is the number one thing you eat when working out! WTF

During a workout?

Pasta is a good post workout meal though as it triggers an insulin response to help get your glycogen stores replenished
During a workout?

Pasta is a good post workout meal though as it triggers an insulin response to help get your glycogen stores replenished

Sorry i should of rephrased that. I mean say if your wanting to buld muscle, they believe pasta is the best thing to achieve this.

Literally i have heard this sh1t..........idiots.
my mother in law is always bragging about how she "hasnt eaten anything today", yet wonders why she is still like 180+lbs. She sits all night and watches tv. Does absolutely no activities. Eats one meal which is usually like some hot dogs, bread, and beets.

My MIL had to almost die to lose 40 lbs, and she was like 200. THEN , get this, she thinks she is TOO SKINNY and is back to her eating crap and not doing the exercises she was told to do for strength....I give her about 6 months if that.....

I can't even talk to her anymore it is just too frustrating.......
Whats even funnier is they see us all in pretty good shape, yet they still don't believe it. Do they think we got this way by eating pizza and triple baconators?

Granted I was fooled by the diet and exercise myths for a while. But the more research I've done the more I've learned.