brother: "well I do bench press to lose fat in my chest and do bicep curls to lose fat in my arms"
mom: "David, if you consume to much chicken and such you can get protein poisoning."
Even though I told my brother about how you can't spot reduce fat (I said you need a good diet)...and my mom learned that from a freaking trainer!!
mom: "A body fat tester for what? Your only 17 your still growing"
brother: "I haven't eaten anything bad today, what are you talking about?
me: " You drank a Coke...."
brother: "Yeah, but thats it."
OMG my family gets on my nerves. My moms like "where did you learn all this crap". I said from nutrition forums. She says "well there not certified trainers david". (note that my moms trainer SUCKS)
/rant family is stubborn as a mule. I'm not gonna go on any further....At least I know I am the most fit in the house.
brother: "5x5 thats stupid, do 3x15".
okay thats brother has been dieting for 6 months and hasn't lost a pound. My mom actually did lose weight (dropped down from 300 to 216) but she has plateued for like months.
mom: "David, if you consume to much chicken and such you can get protein poisoning."
Even though I told my brother about how you can't spot reduce fat (I said you need a good diet)...and my mom learned that from a freaking trainer!!
mom: "A body fat tester for what? Your only 17 your still growing"
brother: "I haven't eaten anything bad today, what are you talking about?
me: " You drank a Coke...."
brother: "Yeah, but thats it."
OMG my family gets on my nerves. My moms like "where did you learn all this crap". I said from nutrition forums. She says "well there not certified trainers david". (note that my moms trainer SUCKS)
/rant family is stubborn as a mule. I'm not gonna go on any further....At least I know I am the most fit in the house.
brother: "5x5 thats stupid, do 3x15".
okay thats brother has been dieting for 6 months and hasn't lost a pound. My mom actually did lose weight (dropped down from 300 to 216) but she has plateued for like months.