Weight-Loss Anybody want to try a drinking water challenge?

Hey where is everybody? I knew I was slacking the last couple of days, but I guess I'm not the only one. Hope to see more of you tomorrow. :)

50 oz
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No it looks like all of us have been slacking!:eek: I got 64 in today and yesterday. Actually I got in more but I stopped counting after 64!:D
Today was good- had at least 75 and might get a little more before bed. :D Before long I'll be drinking so much I'll have to get an anchor to keep from floating away ;)
Hi do you mind if I join in?

I've drunk just over 2 litres today. I am not sure what that equates to in ounces though. In the States do you make 20 ounces a pint? Just checking as I am sure there is some measurement we don't agree on?

Anyway, as a general rule I think we are advised here to drink about 3 litres a day. I tried upping my water intake a few months back, and thought it was 5 litres! I got very headachy and didn't feel too well, till I mentioned it to my Mum who pointed out I was only supposed to aim for 3!

Silly me - good old Mum eh?


Anyway, I notice you are all aiming for between 60-90 ounces, so if anyone has any idea how this converts to pints of litres - I am not good with conversion - that would be much appreciated!


Pinkie :)
It's for everyone so welcome abroad! I drank at 64 oz and more over the last couple of days. (each day I drank at least 64 oz. That didn't sound right when I wrote it!) :)
Hey Mechelle. I need to re-join. I thought I could do it without posting, but no. Have been having trouble lately. Sitting at 24oz so far today. Will try to boost it up.
:) :)
Hi do you mind if I join in?

I've drunk just over 2 litres today. I am not sure what that equates to in ounces though. In the States do you make 20 ounces a pint? Just checking as I am sure there is some measurement we don't agree on?

Anyway, as a general rule I think we are advised here to drink about 3 litres a day. I tried upping my water intake a few months back, and thought it was 5 litres! I got very headachy and didn't feel too well, till I mentioned it to my Mum who pointed out I was only supposed to aim for 3!

Silly me - good old Mum eh?


Anyway, I notice you are all aiming for between 60-90 ounces, so if anyone has any idea how this converts to pints of litres - I am not good with conversion - that would be much appreciated!


Pinkie :)

Hey Pinkie- I'm not great at conversion either, but I hope this guide will help you. Happy drinking :)

1.0 Liter = 33.81406 US oz (I rounded it off to 33.8)
2.0 Liter = 67.6 oz
2.5 Liter = 84.5 oz
3.0 Liter = 101.4 oz
Oh christ Marie - that means I've got to drink about 4 litres a day if you for the 1/2 oz per lb in weight. Thank you for putting that conversion up though!

Mind you I think there are some discrepancies between a UK lb and a US lb, oz's etc.

I reckon if I head for 2-3 litres in English money, that must be good.

Didn't do well yesterday, probably only 1/2 litre. But am back in force today.

Hey Pinkie- I think you're right...if you aim for 2 to 3 liters a day, you'll be doing good.

Lost track of official count, but I know it was at least 64oz
OK - well yesterday (Saturday) I drank about 3 pints - which over here equates to 60 fluid ounces.

I have found that it helps me if I fill up an old water bottle - say 2 litre, and make a point of drinking all of it. Or a 1 1/2 bottle and drink it twice over.

Unfortunately I left my water bottles at work. So am on the pint glasses instead!


Good luck everyone.

I had at least 44oz that I know of. I drank more but was out doing yard work and have no idea how much!!:)