New member
I had 64 oz in yesterday and today!
Hi do you mind if I join in?
I've drunk just over 2 litres today. I am not sure what that equates to in ounces though. In the States do you make 20 ounces a pint? Just checking as I am sure there is some measurement we don't agree on?
Anyway, as a general rule I think we are advised here to drink about 3 litres a day. I tried upping my water intake a few months back, and thought it was 5 litres! I got very headachy and didn't feel too well, till I mentioned it to my Mum who pointed out I was only supposed to aim for 3!
Silly me - good old Mum eh?
Anyway, I notice you are all aiming for between 60-90 ounces, so if anyone has any idea how this converts to pints of litres - I am not good with conversion - that would be much appreciated!