Sport Anybody use Fitday program??????

Sport Fitness
lol well im a poor student so thats why i pirated it but like i said im not providing links just in case but i will say it is out there but you have to find it yourself lol so Tanizaki is rich eeeehhh maybe he can buy us all a version lol or buy some of dam expensive supplements

I am too busy using my money to light Cuban cigars.
That looks pretty cool, silent. I didn't know what the differences were.

I agree with you, I think I'll buy it rather than steal it.
It is not theft.


Whatever helps you sleep at night
One thing that annoys me is a lot of labels don't list poly and mono unsaturated fats, just saturated, so your percentages are wrong.
One thing that annoys me is a lot of labels don't list poly and mono unsaturated fats, just saturated, so your percentages are wrong.

Look into the ingredients list. If it has allot of vegetable oils in it then its mostly polyunsaturated. Meat items tend to be more monounsaturated. Fish and so on is more polyunsaturated.
I'll keep that in mind. You'd think the food manufacturers would want to accentuate the positive and list them. Maybe they think the average consumer would just look at it and think it had more fat.
ya if you want true accuracy you have to do it by making custom foods im only doing if for stuff thats way off i only have had to make 2 custom foods so far
i wonder if they update every so often adding to the list i like how they have brand name products already there but i understand why they dont have everything because they probably have to pay for every brand to be put in there program
Not doubting your legal knowledge but would you mind explaining what it is, out of curiosity?

It is copyright infringement, not theft. At common law, theft is when you take the tangible property of another with the intent of depriving him of it permanently without being entitled to do so. In Florida, and I imagine in most states, theft occurs whether the deprivation is intended to be temporary or permanent.

When a person downloads copyrighted intellectual property, the holder of the copyright is not deprived of its use. Laypeople may get confused when we have a law called the No Electronic Theft Act, or because many times when copyright infringement occurs, a person is enjoying something free that he would normal pay for. However, infringement is not theft, as already explained. It is an interference with someone's ability to exercise rights over their property. In that sense, it is more closely analogous to a trespass, although this is still not a perfect analogy.

It is also worth noting that theft is a crime, while the remedies for infringement of copyright are almost always civil, generally being monetary damages and injunction. In the US, copyright infringement is only criminal when it is done for profit, or when one reproduces or distributes copies of copyrighted content in an amount over $1k in a half-year period. As I am sure you know, there is no such division for theft. All thefts are criminal offenses. That is not the case with copyright infringement.

I have gotten a kick out of the people who have tut-tutted downloading copyrighted software without paying for it. I wonder if they have paid for every mp3 on their computers and iPods, if they make sure to avoid copyrighted viral videos, and if they never write fan fiction. At least I am consistent.

Whatever helps you sleep at night

My legal acumen helps me sleep at night because I know I make enough megabux to support my family. I feel sorry for chumps who lay awake at night worrying about money.

By the way, the film of A Clockwork Orange will enter the public domain on January 1, 2067. You may wish to use another forum avatar until that time.
The words "steal" and "theft" are common words used before our current system of law was in place.

I'm not really concerned with the legal definition and I'm well aware that this type of theft isn't prosecuted criminally. It's still stealing.

And no, I don't have pirated mp3s on my ipod. I've downloaded all my CD's and I'm not into videos etc on line. It' not that hard to believe that honest people exist, is it?

...and I have little worry for money, but thanks for your concern
The words "steal" and "theft" are common words used before our current system of law was in place.
What does this have to do with the price of tomatoes?

I'm not really concerned with the legal definition and I'm well aware that this type of theft isn't prosecuted criminally. It's still stealing.
Sorry, but it is not stealing. Since what constitutes larceny is a legality, the legal definition is pretty important. I am sure if you were ever charged with a crime, you would want the government to focus on what the law actually says rather than simply say, "Hey, who cares about technicalities? Ok, so maybe he didn't technically commit this crime, but come on. This guy is just a bad dude."

And no, I don't have pirated mp3s on my ipod. I've downloaded all my CD's and I'm not into videos etc on line. It' not that hard to believe that honest people exist, is it?

I am amazed to learn that you have never viewed a viral video, or even used a copyrighted image as a forum avatar.

...and I have little worry for money, but thanks for your concern

Nice ninja edit har har!