Sport Anybody use Fitday program??????

Sport Fitness
i was wondering if other people use Fitday program or online site

just wondering how accurate it is food and activity calculations

like i take in about 1800 calories on average and in stats fat/carbs/protein 19/58/24 but dont worry im trying to get my diet more balanced

it says i burn on average 3000+ calories that sound correct to you or crazy and i dont feel like im losing that much weight/fat

i work out 6 days a week cardio one day free weights other about 40-1hr each and walk about 3-5km a day both exercise secession are moderate to high intensity

any comments and recommendations would be appreciated
I don't trust the activity calculator. It says I burn almost 5000 calories. Tracking your food is great though. I make a lot of custom foods rather than trust all their numbers
nothing against the program, but I am with the gooch on the activity calculator, and I didn't have the patience to put every food in custom... the natural or wholeistic foods like qunioa or couscous were so far off, I lost confidence in the whol thing.
can anybody give me a estimate then on how much i burn on my exercise program then i know how much i should be taking in calories wise

Estimates are fine

im at lvl 3-4 on both so where it says repeat or do 2x-4x etc... i do it

Cardio 42 min
Sculpting 38 min 20 pound weights on most exercises only some do i use 15 pounds example 15 for triceps/back exercise but 20 for biceps
Abs everyday 5 and half min

most are full body workouts with 15 reps its pretty intense if you push yourself like i do


1. Warm-Up
a. Head roll
b. Shoulder Circles
c. side stretch
d. Chest Stretch
e. Lower Back Stretch
f. Inner Thigh Stretch
h. Runners Stretch
i. Waist Stretch

2. Round 1 Power Yoga/Stretch
a. Runner’s Pose
b. Plank
c. Up Dog
d. Down Dog
e. Raise right leg, swing through to Runner’s Pose
g. Repeat b - d
h. Raise left leg, swing through to Runner’s Pose
i. Repeat b - d
k. Raise right leg, swing through to Runner’s Pose
l. Crescent Pose
j. Repeat b – d
k. Raise left leg, swing through to Runner’s Pose
l. Crescent Pose
m.Repeat b – d
n. Raise right leg, swing through to Runner’s Pose
o. Crescent Pose
p. Warrior II
q. Repeat b - d
r. Raise left leg, swing through to Runner’s Pose
s. Hands to sky
t. Warrior II

3. Round 2
a. Knees Up
b. Knee Out
c. Cross Over
d. Repeat 1X for 1-2, and 2X for 3-4
e. Jumping Jacks
f. Running in Place
g. Run Lunge
h. Repeat 1X for 1-2, and 2X for 3-4

4. Round 3 X Work
a. X Lateral Work
b. X Fast Feet
c. X Cross Hops
d. Repeat 1X for 1-2, and 2X for 3-4

5. Water/towel break - 30 seconds

6. Round 4 Kicks
a. Right Front Kick
b. Left Front Kick
c. Right Knee Thrust
d. Left Knee Thrust
e. Right Side Kick
f. Left Side Kick
g. Repeat A - F

7. Round 5 Punching
a. Left Jab/Right Cross
b. Right Jab/Left Cross
c. Left Hook/Right Uppercut
d. Right Hook/Left Uppercut
e. Body Blows
f. Repeat 1X for 1-2, and 2X for 3-4

8. Cool down/stretch
a. Cool Down - two minutes
b. Stretch

Sculpt - weight lifting/free weights

1. Stretch
a. Head Rolls
b. Shoulder Rolls
c. Left/Right Arm Pull - Back Shoulder/Side Stretch
d. Side Stretch
e. Chest Stretch
f. Bent Over Hang
g. Right side bent over stretch
h. Inner Thigh L/R. Knee over ankle
i. Runners Stretch L/R. Knee over the ankle
j. Waist Stretch
k. Raise up slowly

2. Round 1
a. Decline Push ups
b. Heavy Pants
c. Military Press
d. Standard Bicep Curls
e. One Arm Tricep "Back Scratch."- left / right
f. Lunges

3. Stretch
a. Standing Quad Stretch - left / right
b. Calf Hamstring
c. Over the head/Chest Stretch
d. Front and back Chest/Shoulder Stretch

4. Round 2
a. Fly Push-Ups
b. Back Fly
c. Swimmers Press
d. Wide Open Curls
e. 2-Arm Tricep Kick-Back
f. Lunge/Squats

5. Water/Towel Break 15 seconds

6. Round 3
a. Wide/Tri/Die Push-ups (7/7/7)
b. L/R Lawnmower
c. Shoulder Flys
d. 7,7,7 Curls (low-mid-high)
e. Dips
f. Three Part Squats

7. Stretch
a. Standing Quad Stretch
b. Hamstring Bend Over
c. Over the head/Chest Stretch
d. Front and back Chest/Shoulder Stretch

Phase 3-4 Sculpt! Add these:
8. Round 4
a. Upright rows
b. Calf Raises
c. Forearm Blast
d. Lower Back Extensions
e. Standard Push-Ups to max
f. Max Squats

9. Cool down/stretch
a. Standing Quad Stretch
b. Hamstring Bend Over
c. Over the head/Chest Stretch
d. Front and back Chest/Shoulder Stretch

9. TH Ab Ripper 100 for Phase ½, TH 200 for Phase ¾ i the 200
a. Basic Ab Crunch
b. Right to Left Crunch
c. Left To Right Crunch
d. Elbow to Knee Crunch
e. Superman Crunch
f. Basic Leg Lifts
g. In & Outs
h. Lower Ab Hip Rock
i. Bicycle
j. Full Body Crunch

10 moves 10 reps but im doing 20 each now and getting good results

Sorry for it being so long lol

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FitDay can be a very useful tool if you are willing to invest the time in entering your foods. Personally, I do much better when keeping a food journal. Technically, I could just be dishonest and not enter it if I cheat, but then why waste my time in the first place if I'm not going to be honest?

I've found that it does calculate caloric expenditure a tad high. I don't go by that too much, as the numbers are subjective.
I use the on line fitday from time to time. I plan on buy the program though if I can ever scrape together the spare cash. It just looks soooo much better.
I haven't looked into the program. What differences have you noticed Silent?





Images taken from FitDay - Smarter Weight Loss
and more can be found there.
Thanks Silent.

Yeah, I started looking at it and it does look like there is a pretty big difference. I guess I never really thought about it before. It looks really cool.

My problem is, I generally like to buy the model with the bells and whistles - even if I don't actually use all the bells and whistles. Then, I might as well have stuck with the cheaper one in the first place - except I kind of like having the nicer models (you should see my front load washer and dryer set:)).

So, no I'm wondering if I really would use the extra features, or pretty much just be paying $30 to keep doing what I've been doing for free. What to do, what to do.
well lets just say i got it free im not providing links because i think that breaks rules on the forums but if you can find yourself all the power to ya because it is a great program
You got the desktop version for free?! or are you using the free online version at

If you got the desktop version free I wanna know how. Share dammit share. I'm sure the mods won't mind. (pllleeeaasse)
You got the desktop version for free?! or are you using the free online version at

If you got the desktop version free I wanna know how. Share dammit share. I'm sure the mods won't mind. (pllleeeaasse)

I got the desktop version free of charge, too. It's classy!
All those "megabux" and you have to pirate software?

lol well im a poor student so thats why i pirated it but like i said im not providing links just in case but i will say it is out there but you have to find it yourself lol so Tanizaki is rich eeeehhh maybe he can buy us all a version lol or buy some of dam expensive supplements
All those "megabux" and you have to pirate software?

Who says I have to? I do it because it is economically reasonable. If it can be had for free, it is economically stupid to pay money for it.