Any Men In Here?

well, my sister is a manicurist/pedicurist. She once wanted to give me a pedicure. Not that I needed it, but she insisted... In her words, I had "chimp" toenails... whatever, I clip them once a week. :p

well, she could never finish the job. Why, you ask? I don't know how you ladies could stand that!!! I mean, it is so ticklish!!!!!!! I could not stop laughing and wiggling my feet. It was hillarious. And the worst part, nothing was funny around me. No one was looking silly, no one was acting goofy, well except for me, of course.

I had to finish the "project" myself. Not a bad job when I was all done.
Oh man, I think I'm like the only one that doesn't use any products at all!

Okay that's a lie, I use Oxy-pads, spray-in conditioner and vanilla scented hand lotion from the Body Shop. But that's it! Most mornings I don't even blow-dry my hair, I just tie it back while its still wet.

My sister is nearly ashamed of me, because she's such a little fashion diva and it pains her so much to see me put barely any effort into my look. Its function over fashion for sure. And sleeping as late as humanly possible over fashion too ;)
Its a face cleaning product. Little cotton pads about 2" in diameter, that have some sort of semi-medicated solution on them (I say semi-medicated because you don't need a prescription for them, you can find them at most drugstores and grocery stores on the shelves).

Wipe them on your face, and bam, oil gone. I have a real bad oil-control problem on my face, so regular soap and water just doesn't cut it. Plus it takes like half a minute. The only thing is, if you have any open wounds on your face, it burns like all hell.

I used to use a three-product system called Proactiv that worked really well, but it took like fifteen minutes to do, twice a day, and was really messy because you'd be splashing water all over the place trying to rinse it all off.
sounds a little complicated to me...

here's what I use, every other day, and no oil on my face... :D

women are so complicated... and so beautiful... of course, my wife is the best :D
I don't paint my fingernails, just my toenails. I find they chip too fast and I don't like chipped nailpolish, so my finger nails are au natural.

I do wear a bit of make-up though, mascara, lip gloss and I swear by Mineral Veil...

Oh and of course my perfume!
do the oxy pads dry out your face too much? I think I tried them once and my skin turned flaky...

I can not leave the house without makeup.

Fist liquid consealer, then powder..
Light eyeshadow, medium then dark in the crease... white near the brow.
Black eyeline above top lashes, then white eyeliner to smooth the edge.
Blush, mascara.
Lip liner then lip stick.
comb hair through, either pull back or leave natural. ( do this first)

nails... I hate when the polish chips too. but it does, so I put up with it. Usually I wear very dark polish.
I sometimes curl my hair, lots of hairspray, but it doesn't stay curled even then, soooo most times I don't, I just run a brush through it. God must have wanted me to have straight hair.

I RARELY leave home w/o makeup, but soemtimes i do (what can I say, i'm naturally gorgeous!) he he

I normally wear nail polish, but lately i've been wanting to stop biting my nails and grow them out, so I've been painting a clear nail strengthner on them.

How did we get this conv. started in a thread called "any men in here?" lol! hubby uses the same razor ,lol
The man started it! LOL!

Beagle I'm just like you in that sense. I don't paint my nails, or toe nails (except on rare occassion). My hair ends up in a pony tail a lot of the time. Make up, what's that? Just kidding! I wear it from time to time. I'm just pretty basic....unless I want to look good for Greg or something. :) Really I've tried to get more into all the girly stuff because when it's all said and done (you know 5 hours later after I'm ready) I feel good about myself. LOL!

You hit the nail on the head Florentin Complicated but Beautiful
Christina - The oxy pads don't dry my face out, but they do have that effect on a lot of people. Like I mentioned though, I have a pretty bad oil production problem (if I don't keep my face clean all the time, I break out like a teenager). My FH uses oxy too, but he uses a real mild version because his face is pretty dry to start.

Coastergirl: tomboys forever! lol... sometimes I wear makeup, but maybe once or twice a month.
For me it is

No nail polish
No Makeup at all never never never
Hair: wash and let dry.
clipper cut #1 or #2 every 12 weeks or so or ocasonally let grow to shoulder length then chop


perfume and makeup make my skin break out in painfull red and white splotches.
I could never go without makeup... I could never cut may hair short...

When I would go out with Phil and his friends to do outdoorsy things, you know I have my makeup case with me. I'm the only girl with makeup and earings on... flying through mud on a quad....
When I got back,I was COVERED in mud, but my lipstick looked good...
From that day on I was known as City Slicker.... Ahh well...
LMAO City Slicker, that's too great! MMMM ATVs yessss LOL!

Hm speaking of hair...mine is really long right now (to my lower back)...I need a haircut! I'm just trimming it and growing it as much as I can. Then I'm going to chop off as much as I have to and donate it to Locks of Love...I can't wait!
Ok, I keep my hair cut really short so that I don't have to do anything with it. You blonde ladies, run your fingers through your babies hair. That's what's on my head!! I love my long fingernails(fake) the only vanity I have. I only wear makeup when I go out with my mom to a play or something like that! No perfume because it usually clashes with whoever I'm out with. The fingernails aren't just vanity! They are so strong the have function too. I can pry open things, when we go fishing I can get hooks loose without pliers and my husband thinks they are the best back scratchers in the world!
Florentin said:
here's something you gals couldn't say:

"I need a shave!"


hehe thats what you think. :p