Any Men In Here?

newbride02 said:
Sorry, i'm pretty sure there isn't any men here....except cdnboy, but he's not around much

you forgot mike.

cdnboy, i used to spray on my husbands cologne all the time because i loved it so much! cool water and drakkar are my favs. but for woman's perfume i like the old stuff just about anything from estee lauder is all i wear.
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Mrs. Roberts... ah, she is so sweet.

I am a school teacher, and as I stated in a previous post, there are three men teaching in the school, and about 40 ladies.

Mrs. Roberts does NOT use wax or gell :D It is hair spray! Ha-ha.
If you could see the look on her face when I asked... :eek:

now they have something to talk about in the teacher's lounge

I was going to be a school teacher but I chickend out the last min.
I regret it... now I am only a stay at home mom and house wife. Its still a hard job... just dont get paid much... I guess its almost like being a teacher heh?
I give you credit for the work you do Florentin!
Happy Holidays~!
thank you. Teaching is hard, yes, if you don't like it. I happen to like it, so those hard moments, when everything is (or seems) out of control, aren't too bad if one remembers how much they like what they do.

my wife's a stay-home mom. She is home-schooling our children. What do you mean you don't get paid? Your pay is far better than money: a child that has his/her mommy there all day long. Money could never replace that.

Hats off to you, really. :D
Thanks ;)

youre right about everything.....
You're wife sounds great. I could never do home schooling!
As much as I love teaching and love my daughter... I also enjoy the few hours that shes gone at school... is that bad? Oh, it feels bad...
I'm using hair spray tonight! LOL first time in a long time!
But Im going to a Christmas Party... hope it doesnt snow tonight... any in the forecst Florentin?
don't know the exact forecast, but I thought there would be snow.

I know it's gonna be windy, so you better use STRONG hair spray. :eek:
is it not dangerous to have sticky out bit like that florentin?

mrs rroberts could poke someones bloomin eye out!
Sez said:
is it not dangerous to have sticky out bit like that florentin?

mrs rroberts could poke someones bloomin eye out!


My Nana, god bless her uses a ton of hairspray I mean you touch one hair and the whole headfull moves, I often wonder how much she spends on hair spray a year!
OMG! This thread is hilarous.. Flortein your a hoot, very witty all of you!!

Now.. on to those nail products... :D haha
You guys are too much. The one time I got a manicure, I hated it...stupid lady chopped all my nails off! That's a different story though. Nails ugh all they do is rip off and break when I bowl or play softball. LOL I'll leave the products talk to the girly girls lol