I've had octopus, alligator, and snail. Also lots of various types of North American game (duck, deer, buffalo, etc) All pretty good if prepared properly. When I was in 7th grade, one of the home ec classes was doing an international foods segment, and came into my class and offered what they had made. The had done sushi, so no one would try it. well, i finally volunteered... it went in the mouth, and like reflex came back out. Tasted as bad as it smelled. I wonder know if perhaps they had done something seriously wrong. To this day however, i cannot overcome that experience and refuse to try sushi again.
I also just cannot eat cooked spinach. The texture and taste, ugh...
But i think the single most vile thing I ever had, the thing that haunts me to this day, is cod liver oil. My mother and uncle both said they would give me 20 bucks if I tried it, as supposedly they were fed it by my grandmother when they were growing up. I was a gullible young teenager, and never saw a penny, lol. That stuff was just terrible.
If there is one thing that I could never eat (and I dont even know if there are places in the world that do this anyways), it would be spider. Cooked, raw, or live, wouldnt matter, and I still couldnt do it even for millions of dollars (or pounds, yen, whatever, lol). had some traumatizing experiences as a youth, and would not be able to overcome that, lol.
Ok, this is gonna sound weird, and i know this is gross, and many people will probably think I am sort of terrible person... but i cannot help but be a little curious as to what human tastes like. It is not something i ever plan on trying, for obvious moral implications and such, but there still remains some curiousity...