Another fun thread - Whats the NASTIEST food you have ever eaten?

oh be still my heart -fungus are the best food ever...

marmite/vegemite up there in my gross list of foods i won't eat... :D just the fact that it's a byproduct of something - they feed dogs byproducts :D

NO! don't be mean to marmite. Soooo good, can't live without it. Vegemite on the other hand..urg, won't touch that crap.
Call me weird but I can't stand Marzipan but I love almonds, go figure. I just can't stand it.
Eggs... I hate eggs, and I hate the way they look
I know ..its weird, but true!

newbie here..sorry to intrude on this thread if there was any intrusion ..

best wishes
natalie jo
Triscuit Crackers, I gagged on them when I was a kid, and whenever I think of them I get this shudder. I cannot comprehend some of this stuff you guys have posted. Wow. I'm a wuss!
Ooooooh! Forgot One!!!

George Pectal....

The name will live in my mind forever. Not only was he my best friend in Grade 6, but he had some mean ass parents (at least in my opinion).

They were nice enough people, but everyday, EVERY single day my poor buddy George would show up at school with the same sandwich. Now bad enough there was no selection or variety, but it was always, ALWAYS Blood and Tongue. Basically congealed blood and tongue "meat" condensed into a sandwich meat..... I tried it a few times out of sympathy for my buddy, but it was just as horrid tasting as it sounds....

Another fun one I tried isn't gross in itself, but the smell.... OY!!!!

Its a famous fruit from Thailand that is highly loved here. It is called Durian. You may have seen them in the speciality import shops or China towns back home. They are about the size of a basketball, light brown or tan and very spikey looking. In fact they are very sharp spikes. These are big and lethal looking fruits. But then you crack it open.......

THANK GOD I never invested in one of these things back home just to try it out. I can honestly say, without a doubt it smells like ass. Really bad, nasty smelly, "I ain't showered in a year" ass. Just walking past the fruit section in most markets that sell it is enough to turn me blue and start gagging. But they LOVE it here!! All my students and friends convinced me that it tastes soooo good, it is worth the smell. And that if it doesn't take on the first taste, try it again and you will love it. Um, no, I most certainly did not like it either time. I quickly developed this opinion and very vocally share it with all who try to tempt me with this nasty stuff:

"If it smells like ass, it probably tastes like ass!"

And it REALLY REALLY REALLY did!!!!! Trust me, go to a market selling fresh Durian and you will see
EXACTLY what i mean. A-S-S F-R-U-I-T!

(they even make candies of it here.... Ass Candies!!!)

Never EVER again on that one, give me organs and insects anyday....

The other day my wife had a nice treat in the shopping center food fair. Soup with congealed blood and esophagus (SP?) Yep, the muscle lining of a cows throat..... I didnt try the blood (george memories forever) but the esophagus was not bad....

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Haha, I too haven't eaten anything near as nasty as y'all. To me, the nastiest thing I've tasted is raw fish. Not sushi, but similar to a ceviche.
Liver and onions....God just thinkin' about it makes me turn green!

Fish head soup...yes with the eyes still in its head...YIKE
I'm half Korean/Spanish/white and my mom (being Korean) wanted me
to try this soup she made....lets just say I'll never eat that again!

Butter....I hate the way butter tastes....

Cottage cheese...the texture does it for me!

Peaches...sounds odd I know...but I don't like that fuzzy ish on the peach...
Sirant I lived in Japan a few years, have been to China quite a few times and lived in Indonesia for about 15 years, I've eaten PLENTY of weird stuff.

I took hiking tours through Kalimantan (Borneo) and Sumatra for about 5 years. We would throw big cicadas on the fire and crunch them up with beer.
Little hedgehog thingies that we hunted in the jungle at night then roasted over a roaring fire.
LOTS of snakes.
Crocodile (in Australia).
Put sticky tree sap on bamboo and wave it around to catch dragon flies and fry them up.
I have eaten Durian until I was sick, I LOVE that stuff! If you pick it really fresh it is unbeatable.
Balinese lawar, pigs blood with spices. That is seriously gross.
Sea turtle sate (didn't know it at the time or I wouldn't have on principle).
Cat, dog.
Caramel covered grasshoppers.

Cheers, Coffee Dude
marmite/vegemite up there in my gross list of foods i won't eat... :D just the fact that it's a byproduct of something - they feed dogs byproducts :D
And most food isnt a by product? .. can you say chicken nuggets?
Least vegemite and marmite have near 0 calories, and they make a salad sammie taste great! (btw, you are meant to use have a SMALL bit, not a 2" layer thick!)
I L-O-V-E sushi! Everyone I know personally (except my sister) thinks it's the grossest thing ever. I'm usually up for anything, though I haven't had the chance to be all that adventurous. I can't stand triscuits either. :) I did have this egg drop soup once that was really nasty - didn't taste cooked at all, just a bunch of raw eggs put in some broth. Ick! And I got this really nasty squid dish once. It was worse than rubber bands and it was so spicy it made me sick on the spot.

My mom made black pudding once to impress a boyfriend she had, and I enjoyed it until I learned what was in it. I also can't stand the taste or texture of liver. And the sight of tongue makes me gag. Oh, god, SOUSE! I had a bite on a bet, spit it out instantly. :p Disgusting.

Oh, and I hate sauerkraut, too.
my friend used to trail around after the kids picking up leftovers and eating them. Biscuits, raisins, leftover crusts etc.
She stopped very suddenly once when she picked up a handful of leftover raisins, popped them into her mouth, chewed and partial swallowed before she realized they were "nappy raisins".... grotty!
my friend used to trail around after the kids picking up leftovers and eating them. Biscuits, raisins, leftover crusts etc.
She stopped very suddenly once when she picked up a handful of leftover raisins, popped them into her mouth, chewed and partial swallowed before she realized they were "nappy raisins".... grotty!
For me its sushi, its so gross to me!I also will never try cheesecake. No matter how tastey it looks , I refuse to eat it I hate creamy cakes!
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I must say, Balut: fertilized duck egg with a nearly-developed embryo inside that is boiled and eaten in the shell.

I'll attach a link if anyone wants to see what it looks like ;)
My dad once fried some goat brain. It smelled pretty good but I haven't eaten it.

I've eaten goat many times on occasion. Its an ok meat...kinda like beef, but more gammy.

Nastiest thing i've eating many people wouldn't associate it as nasty. I was visiting my grandmother down on the islands and I develop a bad fever. For treatment, she had me swallow a huge piece of garlic whole! That was the nastiest thing I've ever done in my life and it burned ALL the way down. I was turned off of anything relating to garlic for a week.

When I was a little kid, I put some peanut butter in coke and drunk it. I vomited afterwards.
Boiled Okra. It's like eatig snot.

The weirdest thing I ever ate was the head of a perch from my family's pond. I was 15 and it was a double-dog-dare. I bit the head off and chewed. I had braces then too!