Another fun thread - Whats the NASTIEST food you have ever eaten?


New member
Lets have another fun one.

Now, as most of you know, I live in China, so I can almost guarantee I have you all beat, but lets see:

What is the nastiest, grossest or downright craziest thing you have ever eaten? You didn't have to have liked it, but maybe you did. Not something from a movie or tv show, but something you have actually put in your mouth.

I will wait to see some responses before I give you my list..... ;)

Come on people! Fess up! What did you try? Was it better or worse than you expected? Did you "know" what you were eating at the time?

Truthfully, I can't think of a single thing that ever grossed me out. I took a huge bite of rotten fish before, by accident, and it made me puke.

The grossest thing I've ever seen anyone eat was:

My college roommate.

It was homecoming and we were all tailgating. One of my buddies brought deer bologna and another friend had a pit bull. A huge piece of the bologna was dropped by accident and the dog ate it. I mean a HUGE piece.

The dog, a few minutes later, puked a large portion of the bologna up.

Need I say more?

College guys. Lot's of alcohol. Outside. Being rowdy.

Someone offered my roommate, who was nasty anyhow, 10 bucks to eat the pile of meat that was puked up by the dog.

He did.

I was ill.
i talked about this yesterday - after i was offered chocolate covered cicadas - homemade even.... I passed - i just don't like milk chocolate - or bughs for that matter.

In australia - I've had grubs

I looove escargot but then again, garlic on anything could make it edible.

Raw Sea Urchin w/ a raw quail egg is one of my favorite bits of sushi

When I lived n new york, i'd go to china town with a pal, who was chinese, ad we'd go to the real restuarants, not the americanized chinese places, and I'n not sure i want to know what I ate there, but it was always good...
Many many years ago when I was married to my first husband his mom was from the phillipines and had alot of family in Cali where we lived. I remember going to my first "family dinner". I love how a small family dinner consisted of around 100 people!! Anyways I learned real fast not to ask what was in the food before I tasted it:eek: I also could not pronounce any of the dishes except one. Lumpia yummy stuff!! But the rest of that food. icky icky icky it really was no wonder I was so thin back then:rolleyes: I am sure some of the food was good but after seeing fresh pigs blood being added to a dish I kinda lost my appetite for like the rest of my marriage!!
Fried silkworms. They stink, and the smell stays on your hands for days. And they taste as awful as they smell.

Whale blubber is a close second. I don't know how people survive on that stuff!
The nastiest health-wise would be a whole piece of Godiva cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. The nastiest tasting would be the raw sea urchin sushi (sorry Mal). It looked like a cat's tongue and tasted how I would imagine a cat's tongue would. Gross, still makes me shiver! :)

Omg "LIVER" ewww mushy and gritty tasting blah,also "catfish"
taste real fishy as I bit into it blah...
my mums friends cooking - all of it. couldnt cook anyway, once gave me violent food poisoning. i absolutely detest string beans and spinach. make me puke. i have fond memories of mum refusing to let me leave the table till i had finished them up :eek: still she denies it now.
oh be still my heart -fungus are the best food ever...

marmite/vegemite up there in my gross list of foods i won't eat... :D just the fact that it's a byproduct of something - they feed dogs byproducts :D
The grossest thing I ever tried was stomach lining.

Who's stomach lining?

A cow's.

HAH I asked my mom what it was and she was like "A Chinese noodle, it's very good!" So I tried it...and was kinda chewy and had no taste.

That's what I get for asking my mom :p
that's tripe isn't it? it's really common in spanish restuarants...

Sweetbreads are also a little on the interesting side and definitely better when you don't know what youo areeating
Not bad......

Steve, You got a seriously disgusting friend. Eating anything pucked up is nasty enough, but if it was bad enough in the first place a dog couldnt handle it..... Anyhow...

On to my list.

First nasty food.

Prairie Oysters, though not bull, boar.

I used to work on a pig farm and one day they went out and castrated the bigger boars. During dinner I made the mistake of asking what they did with the testies.... They pointed at the stew... Nuff said. Gives new meaning to meatballs.


Dog and cat.

In south China especially this is a delicacy, especially in winter. The first school I taught at in China was in a smaller city and they took me to a special little "hot pot" restaurant outside of town. Apparently very famous. The rabbit was "ok" but the "goat" was just gross. I did not like either at all and stuck to rice and shrimp for the rest of the meal. They dont de-leg or de-head the shrimp here at all, so even that was not too fun.

Later on I found out that the "special" restaurant they took me too did not serve rabbit or goat at all. The specialties of the house said meow and woof.


The "mens meal" in Chongqing.

Beautiful restaurant, outdoors on the top of a mountain, and all the materials for the meal come from the surrounding countryside. Very pictureque and beautiful. But as I was with a bunch of business men, they instisted on treating me to "the mens meal" which is:

Penis of several animals - a LOT of penises.....
Testicles of several animals (including roosters.... Like juicy marbles)
heads, beaks and throats (yes throats) of geese
and pretty much EVERY internal organ, lining and tissue you can think of, plus several I GUARANTEE you can't.....
This all apparently increase male virility and sexual prowess.

Truth be told, not all bad, since Chongqing is "spicy central" and everything was sooooo damn hot that you couldnt taste anything anyways. Plus "business men" here LOVE the beer and paint thinner, I mean rice wine... Enough of that and you can (and will) eat anything!

More recently

(cute little birdies) on a stick. 4-5 of them whole, beaks, feets and eyeballs included, BBQ'ed

Bumble Bees - also on a stick, also whole, also BBQ'ed

Sand worms - yep, little nasty sand worms from the beach. Kind of like eating crunchy gummy worms.

It really is the truth in China, especially in the more remote areas, if it moves, they will eat it. And often times even if not moving.

sirant i think you have to be the winner, abolutely gross. know they eat what we think as pets but it really does upset me.
my dad actually likes tripe. i think they used to stew it in milk and onions.mind you he was brought up in the war and times were hard and rationing.a treat for him in those days was condensed milk(tinned very sweet) on a piece of bread with a sprinkling of sugar. my grandma emigrated in the usa during the 20`s. when they came back to the uk cos of a family tragedy, they had no money, nothing. they basically lived on bread and beef dripping. sorry to go off at a tangent. slim
Penis of several animals - a LOT of penises.....
Testicles of several animals (including roosters.... Like juicy marbles)
Reminds m e of the old joke:

A tourist is going through small towns in Spain looking for unique dining experiences. He stops for lunch in a small restaurant, and as he studies the menu the waiter comes by with a dish with an incredible aroma. He asks the waiter what it is.

"Well, Senor, you see the bullfight ring across the street? Each day the testicles from the losing bull are brought here and cooked in a sauce whose recipe was handed down by my ancestors. It is our specialty."

The tourist gulped, but thought, hey, I'm here to try new things, and said, "All right, bring me an order."

The waiter said, "I'm sorry but we're a very small town and we have only one bullfight a day. However, I'll reserve tomorrow's portion for you."

The tourist spends the night and the next morning anticipating the feast. The time comes, the waiter brings the dish, and he tears into it.

After finishing, he calls the waiter over and says, "That was amazing, the best dish I've ever had. Not to complain, but it seems like the diner yesterday got a larger portion than I did."

"Well, Senor," the waiter says, somewhat embarrassed, "you know the bull, he does not ALWAYS lose."

One thing I was never brave enough to try Rocky Mountain Oysters
There is a few things that I have tried that I wish I hadn't.

My stepmother made this dish once called: Fireside Casserole, something that the mormons probably used to make, lol. I guess that is what I get for living in UT, hehe. Anyways, here is a list of the ingriedients and you tell me... Italian sausage, ground beef, cut up hotdogs, lima beans, peas, mango chutney, soy sauce, brown sugar, corn. Thats all I can remember but, I am sure I am leaving a few out. It was like she opened up the pantry and just dumped everything in there into a baking dish and said "Bon Appetite".

Also, one time my dad made a teryaki stir fry dish. Now that doesn't sound too bad, right? Well he used duck for the meat, and it was extremely gamey duck. I can't handle game at all, and I thought the teryaki sauce might cover that taste up, lol so that is the only reason I agreed to try it. Let me just say it was the nastiest thing I have ever had the misfortune of trying. Never again. My dad never heard the end of it, hehe.

I also tried Menudo. Its a Mexican soup that has some sort of intestines or stomach in it. I didn't know what was in it before I tried it, stupid me:). Anyways, I didn't like that at all either.
