Another Debate Thread: Age Differences

Once a guy is in his 20's the best age group for women is 23-35. Why???

Under 23 women are usually annoying and tough to deal with, and no guy wants that for longer than a weekend. :)

Over 35 women have their own issues. If they are that age and still single, you have to deal with "baggage." No guy wants to deal with that for longer than a weekend either. :)

I have also noticed that as women age, if they stay single and do not have kids, they get bitter and nasty. No guy wants to deal with that for longer that a few minutes.:D

So the 23-35 range works because it is after women mature a little, and before they have baggage and are bitter.

Lol, this is so true! You should start your own religion, some of your posts are pure golden nuggets of information
You should start your own religion

You know, I have been thinking about that for a long time. You know religious institutions do not pay any taxes. Which is cool.

Seems like there could be a "hardkore" training religion, or cult. :cool:

You know, the whole body is my temple thing, people go to church, we go to the gym. (We can even say "I'm sorry I can't make it, I have to go to "The Compound") We can be equally fanatical. (if not more so)

Also, who is to say that what I believe is not a real religion?? A belief in the potential of the human mind and body.

In this age of PC and Tolerance, I think it is time to organize a religious system for the fit and focused. ;):):D:newangel:

OOOHHHHH!!! We can have a campus, all dedicated to training. A cafeteria, with everything you need to get great results, gyms, swimming pools, track a field, everything one would need to realize physical and spiritual oneness with themselves and with the world.

The "priests" will specialize in different areas of nutrition and training, some in mental preparedness, and motivation. Offering the complete package.

The message if "the church of body and spirit" will be the coming together of people to better themselves and each other physically and mentally. The possibilities for community involvement are limitless.

The hierarchy of the religion will have to show with the way the "priests" dress. I think really cool hats are a good idea. The founder (me) will wear a captains hat with 3 feathers in it to represent the 3 aspects of the religion.

1. physical fitness
2. nutrition for better results
3. the power of mind to do what needs to be done.

At least thats how it would be in my dream world. :):D:cool:
I don't know why anyone (man or woman) would want to go out with someone much younger and deal with the BS that goes along with it. Think about it.

Older man with a much younger woman:
Pros: Possibly better body (I say possibly because some of the older ladies here look better than some younger girls I know), Ego booster, Image builder
Cons:Less classy, Less mature, more drama, not as good in bed, more hangups about their bodies, more insecure

Older woman with a much younger man:
Pros: Possibly better body (same as above), Better sex (possibly), Ego booster
Cons: Not as cultured/refined, possibly frat lifestyle, broke, has not matured enough to want to be commited

**As with everything in life I'm sure there are exeptions.

Personally, I've always been attracted to older men. The biggest age difference for me was 13 years. I'm not physically attracted to someone who looks like they're still in high school. I need my man to be a man in every sense of the word...
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Goergen - You had me at 'cafeteria', that's more than the other religions ever offered me. Eternal life huh, what's that gonna do for me now? I want short term fringe benefits and a bagel, oh and a cool hat with at least one feather for being a founding member. Sign me up :)
Goergen, sign me up! We will also need some saints, misionaries and prophets! I voulenteer!

I made my own religion once too, in high school, it was called "skeptiskismen", which means "skepticism". we are generally skeptical towards everything. I had prophets, saints, and everything! :D
For some cinematic food for thought, rent Harold and Maude - an excellent dark comedy which touches on this very subject.

As for the religion? Don't because I'm reminded (again from the cinema) of The Life of Brian where Brian tells the crowd to F*** OFF!, And one of the crowd asks, "How shall we F*** OFF oh Lord?" - you'll never get a consensus answer.
I believe our society is slowly changing, allowing woman to break the norms as well as men.

I am 37, my wife is 36, we been together for 17 years. Still very hot for each other.

BUT If I were single in todays day and age, I would have zero problem dating any older women as long as i find them attractive. Same for Women dating younger men, My wife still looks very young and men hit on her constantly thinking she is in her early 20's. (even after three kids):eek:

Anyway it boils down to "mental connection" My wife is a red head, I grew up hating red heads....go figure I married one. but we connected to each other as friends first, we just clicked automatically, no use fighting it.

Anyway, who cares the age, if it works it works, it works...Of course as long as they are over 18.

But at 37 if something were to happen, I do not think I could date a woman under 30, I prefer them closer to my age.
Goergen, sign me up! We will also need some saints, misionaries and prophets! I voulenteer!

I made my own religion once too, in high school, it was called "skeptiskismen", which means "skepticism". we are generally skeptical towards everything. I had prophets, saints, and everything! :D

hear that, G? I think you got your first altar boy :p

Wouldn't it be easier to call it the 6 rule? Or am I missing something?

I think the 5+1 rule means that for every 5 years of age, 1 year of age difference is ok.

Anyway, I think that outside of the physical side of things, there are some life phase gaps, that if the couple has one on each side of the gap, you're in trouble.

There's a maturity gap that most cross sometime in their twenties. Boring vs immature.

There's a kids gap, which most cross somewhere between 25-40. Kids are a big deal to almost everyone - having one part ready for kids and the other part not ready for many years or already being done with getting kids, is a recipe for disaster.

And there's a seniority gap, where people start getting old. A 30 year old woman and 50 year old man could work - but when he's 70 and she's only 50, he can't keep up anymore.

Mostly people don't get into serious relationships across those gaps, but sometimes, especially with big age differences, one ages into the next gap perhaps a decade earlier than the other, and that's imo something you should be aware of.

But really, people should just partner up with who they like. It's a free world.
I think as long as your legal... it's whatever you feel confortable with. What does it matter what other people think. It's your life, not their's. Someone is always going to say something about it just because they can't stay to their own life...