Another Debate Thread: Age Differences

Look, if you looking for our opinon or blessing, just do what you have in mind.

No, I have enough confidence in myself to know that I can make my own decisions about that stuff. I certainly would never let anyone on a forum tell me what's okay and what's not okay. I can make that decision for myself.

I simply want to hear other's opinions and experiences on the topic.

Honestly, age is a small part of the whole scheme of things. I am more likely to judge a man by his character than I am to judge him by his age. I may find guys in their 30's to be more attractive, but I would not date them solely on their age. Character comes first.
Most guys I know are finished dealing with silly b1t57es and want something different. I'm speaking from past experience. I teater totter between younger and older at this point.

So, why do you think some young women are silly b*tches exactly?
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I'm equal opportunity - I don't care about age(lets say 18-45) as long as she has something that attracts me. My first ever girlfriend was 8 years older than me and taught me a lot :). Since I've been in VN, I've dated, had relationships with, or dirty weekends with girls who are mostly much younger than me, usually 18 - 25. There are several reasons for this: 1) I like youngish, attractive, fit girls 2) Most girls over the age of 25 here are engaged or married 3) most of the girls I meet, like ex-students of mine for example are 18-25 4) There is no age taboo here. 5) I think I'm a pretty young 39 year-old:cool:. One downside though, is that sometimes younger girls are a bit inexperienced in life and/or in the sack.
I'd say generally that if a man in his mid - late 20's is dating a teenager then the guy looks as if he's incapable of picking up women his own age. I have a friend who is dating a 26 year old (they were 17 and 25 when they first started dating) and i looked at it his way. If the woman is older than (and this might just be my opinion) it's more socially accepted. Not to mention he also raises his profile to a higher level...especially with his male peers.
I've actually turned down one of my brother's really hot friends. She was 22 and I was/am 16. Maybe a mistake looking back lol, but it just goes to show that there really isn't too much of an age tabboo in either direction male/female. I have been mistaken for an 18 year old on more than a few occasions for many reasons (maturity, physical appearence, facial hair =]) But she knew I was 16, and idk what she was thinking, because she was absolutely gorgeous.

The girls I've gone out with have all been within a year or two of my age. I wouldn't mind going out with a girl older than me, but at this point it's weird if you go too young with ages. I agree with streamline, it sort of does look weird for an older guy in his late 20's to be going out with a teenager.

Plus girls this age usually are very immature.
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I've actually turned down one of my brother's really hot friends. She was 22 and I was/am 16. Maybe a mistake looking back lol, but it just goes to show that there really isn't too much of an age tabboo in either direction male/female. I have been mistaken for an 18 year old on more than a few occasions for many reasons (maturity, physical appearence, facial hair =]) But she knew I was 16, and idk what she was thinking, because she was absolutely gorgeous.

The girls I've gone out with have all been within a year or two of my age. I wouldn't mind going out with a girl older than me, but at this point it's weird if you go too young with ages. I agree with streamline, it sort of does look weird for an older guy in his late 20's to be going out with a teenager.

Plus girls this age usually are very immature.

Yeah man you stuffed up big time. TISK TISK
I've actually turned down one of my brother's really hot friends. She was 22 and I was/am 16. Maybe a mistake looking back lol, but it just goes to show that there really isn't too much of an age tabboo in either direction male/female. I have been mistaken for an 18 year old on more than a few occasions for many reasons (maturity, physical appearence, facial hair =]) But she knew I was 16, and idk what she was thinking, because she was absolutely gorgeous.

The girls I've gone out with have all been within a year or two of my age. I wouldn't mind going out with a girl older than me, but at this point it's weird if you go too young with ages. I agree with streamline, it sort of does look weird for an older guy in his late 20's to be going out with a teenager.

Plus girls this age usually are very immature.

Yeah. I agree with your last statement. It's unfortunate that I have always seemed older than my years. I never went through that teenage girl phase. I went from child to adult I guess. Most of my friends are much older than I am, and I spend a lot of time with my parents. (I'm an only child). I guess I was always treated like an adult too. It makes it difficult for me to stand guys my age because they seem to immature to me. I guess I have "age identity disorder" or something. I feel older than I am.
Well spicy, I think its completely normal and completely agree with you. The majority or females that pay me attention are younger ones. They only pay me attention however because I have a motorbike muahahahahaha.
Here is my take on th age thing. (keep in mind that I am married and will look at relationships with that as the end goal)

Once a guy is in his 20's the best age group for women is 23-35. Why???

Under 23 women are usually annoying and tough to deal with, and no guy wants that for longer than a weekend. :)

Over 35 women have their own issues. If they are that age and still single, you have to deal with "baggage." No guy wants to deal with that for longer than a weekend either. :)

I have also noticed that as women age, if they stay single and do not have kids, they get bitter and nasty. No guy wants to deal with that for longer that a few minutes.:D

So the 23-35 range works because it is after women mature a little, and before they have baggage and are bitter.

I know there are women on this forum that will be offended by this post, I am sure there are exceptions. (I know every woman will think she is that exception)

My wife and I came up with the 23-35 dating rule after watching our friends / parents date. We believe the above is completely true.

So even though it is ok to date / marry someone of any legal age, there is a good age window for women.
there's nothing inherently wrong with dating someone significantly older/younger (within reason (eg: legal age)) and it's hard to draw a strict line between the right and wrong age discrepancy once both people are legal. basically, that argument has too many holes in it. whether you are man or women also doesn't matter. the only thing that really matters is that you have to be honest with yourself as to why you are doing so and why and older/younger person might be attracted to you in the first place. is it pure attraction or are there other factors? those factors might or might not change whether you think it's ok to date that particular person.

for ex:
-why would an 18-21 year old be interested in me (for someone 30+ yrs)? why would a person who is 30+ years be interested in me (for the 18-21 year old)? why would you be interested in someone younger/older? it is really because you have soooo much in common or that you are soooo close in maturity levels?
-of this a sugardaddy thing? (gold digger situation?)
-does the woman/man remind you of your parent! (lol)
-are you dating a person that only wants to experiment with you because of your race/ethnicity/age where ordinarily you'd never be with such a young person etc?

of course, none of these factors might be an issue or even if they are, they might not matter to you. maybe someone wants a sugardaddy and if so, who cares? i'm just saying that if you are at least honest about the situation, then you'll be more capable of concluding whether it's ok for you.

(this post is not specifically direct to anyone here...)
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I'm 25, my bf is about to be 32.

My dad is 51, my step mom is 32. I am ok with this now, but when I was 15 and she was 22... BIG problems

I really could care less. I just hate to see elderly men with really young women who are waiting for them to croak.. like Anna Nicole.

-I didn't read this whole thread
I don't think I have ever dated anyone older than me. I'm 35 now and my last gf was 25, the one before that was 23 and the one before that was about 20 (although, that one was a few years ago!.) I don't actively look to date younger women, it just seems to work out that way. I would happily date women my age or older if there was chemistry.

As long as both parties are happy, I don't see any problem with age difference.
It's really discouraging. Sometimes I wish I were older so I could get all of the mature guys.

Hey, hands off - us older ladies don't need any more competition! ;) Kidding. I have dated men older than me (10 years was the biggest age difference) and around my same age, and it really does just come down to the individual maturity levels and general compatibility.
Before I was married, I never dated anyone younger than me. All of my bf's were older. My hubby is 2 yrs older than me. If he had been 35 when I met him (I was 20 when I met him), I would have dated him. I didn't care how old he was. And honestly as long as the person isn't jail bait, I dont' see the big deal. I mean, you can't help feel the way you do towards someone, right? If I were single now and met someone who was in their 40s (I'm 32), it wouldn't bother me. In the same way, if I was single and I met someone, say in their early to mid 20s, it wouldn't daunt me, either, but I think I would draw the line at 20. LOL
-does the woman/man remind you of your parent! (lol)
I think this one happens quite a bit, I don't mean in some weird way, but girls often look for guys with similar traits to their father. I have also noticed that several of the younger girls I've dated have fathers who are quite a bit older than their mothers.
By chance I happened to go out with an ex-girlfriend (who I went out with for about a year and a half) tonight. When we first met she was 22 and I was 36. I brought up this topic and asked her why she was attracted to such an older man. She said that she doesn't like guys her own age because they are immature, they are too willing to be on her beck and call and they are easy to control. We both agreed that our age difference never caused us any problems (we broke up because I'm a commitment phobe).
I operate on the 5 + 1 rule.

Wouldn't it be easier to call it the 6 rule? Or am I missing something?

As for ages, you need variety when you're younger, older people are great because they have experience to show you stuff but younger is also good because they're more likely to be a blank canvas and open to suggestion ;)

That's the perfect mix, a older partner and a younger mistress. Just ask Woody Allen :eek: