Weight-Loss Advent Calendar Game

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Hmmm. A secret weight loss goal? Well, I always say my goal is 140, but I'd really like to be 130. I think I'd be happy at 140, though.

What is the silliest thing you've done to lose weight?
What is the silliest thing you've done to lose weight?

When I was younger I used to put a heavy book on my stomach, press it down with my hands and raise my head up...like crunches. I dunno, for some reason I thought that I would lose weight by doing it. lol.
too many people have inspired me -but i'd have to give a shout out to Ms Daye - she probably came here with the least amount to lose - but those last 5lbs are usually the hardest and she's been here every single day offering cheers and hope to everyone.. and just being her sunny self.
Day 12 of Advent Calendar.

Post inspiration quotes day!!

"Sometimes you feel like you can't go any further, but if you just take one step after you think you can't go on, the ones that come after are easier. Trust me, you will always come to a point where you think you can't go any further...just take that one step."
-Me, talking to my sister about how I was able to push myself to run 3 miles
Day 13 of Advent Calendar

Name 1 Person From this message board that has inspired you to keep going.


hmm... I think that I would have to say that M2M has inspired me to continue. She's always there with a kind word of encouragement, or that little push that you need to get back on track.
Oh my goodness I couldn't choose one person....but T2 and Dari stick out on my mind---just plain ol' good people. (which is a rarity from where I come from)

Favorite Quote:

hmmm.....I'm not a big quotes person but I think the phrase 'Hakuna Matata' fits for many situations in my life.

Name 1 Person From this message board that has inspired you to keep going.


I'm coming out of nowhere for this one as I haven't done any other challenges before but this seems fun so I'll jump in. ;)

The person who has inspired me most on these forums is troutman. He's one of the few other guys around and he has lost a lot of weight! He also runs almost every day and I'm so jealous of that! I'd go running but it's so embarrassing for me. :(
I'd have to say Pequin for the most inspiring for me. We're around the same age, and we have a lot of similarities, seeing her do so well is very inspiring, it makes me feel like I can do the same.
Day 14 of Advent Calendar

"What have you done today to make you feel proud?"

I was just watching Biggest Loser and I thought it would be great to hear what other people have done today to make them feel proud.

If ya haven't done anything yet, go ahead and do something and let us know!
Some one who inspires me, Id say big picture, turning life around and devotion , would be T2 and Mal...as far as being able to accomplish it and stick to it, I would say ohappy and Dari cuz they are single mommies it is so much harder to take care of yourself and prioritze, Im proud of all of you...
I havent done anythign yet but I am always proud of myself when I accomplish an hour to an hour and a half of exercise daily on top of work and the kids and so on and so on...
I am proud of myself for getting up early and exercising before work. I am proud of myself everyday that I get up at 5:30 and exercise. I am not a morning person, but I have made this work. One day I wasn't feeling well, so I though I would turn off my alarm and sleep another hour. My body was having none of that...I couldn't get back to sleep and ended up wasting and hour tossing and turning. Never again.
I'm proud of myself today because even though I had a semi-horrible day I didn't resort to eating! Hooray for me! Though really, I should have a small, healthy snack... hmm.
I'm proud, because I groomed Jessi, and I did her hooves and leg wraps right! I'm proud of myself about that

and i controled myself eating wise. :D
Hm how about this? and i think it's the 17th day? let me know if it's not

Day 17 of Advent Calender Game

If you could go back in time to any time and place, when and where would it be? Why?​
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