I'm so full right now. I was making a nice breakfast for my family since we stayed home from church due to horrible allergies that is due to having the house all opened up that is due to our air conditioner dying on us yesterday!! So you can imagine the frustration of all of that combined.... and yes, we live in Texas. This is NOT the time to be without air!!!!
I was making a nice breakfast... pancakes in the shape of bunny faces, flowers and stars.
Scrambled eggs and hubby was frying up bacon. I said nice, not healthy!! lol So in my mind I thought, ok, I'll eat with the family, I'll only have three small panckaes, have jam over it instread of syrup, no bacon and a few eggs. Sounds ok, right?? WRONG!
I ate my alloted food, couldn't even finish the pancakes, I was so full and then went to tally up the cals. My nice breakfast with a glass of skim milk had cost me 700 calories!!!!! I am in shock and a little ill due to my overstuffed tummy.
SO, I'm about to start a marathon fittv workout.... at least 3 hours to burn all that off.... whew.
Tom is no help whatsoever! I was telling him with so much guilt about how many cals I'd consumed in one meal.. He was like so? there's nothing wrong with that once and a while. Agggghhh! I'm thankful he's not condeming, but I want him to help me keep on track!
Thanks for listening.