Food for Monday

a p/b and butter sandwich on smart whole wheat bread, (YUM)

a cpl handfuls of popcorn

a big nectorine

beets from garden
raspberries from garden
new potatoes from garden
peas/carrots from garden
Grilled chicken breast on barbie

a venti chai tea latte (made me sick)

cokeAll i am craving is sugar sugar sigar...translation POP COKE COKE COKE

Liter of water

60 mins water areobics

Sleep Sunday night 8 hrs

As we all see this in me as routine , we know how low my energy levels are when I switch back to coke...I gotta figure some stuff out...It takes all i have to go to water areobics and I dont even have the energy to jump on the trampoline with Taneesha im so angry at myself - Ive gotten so damn lazy...
The trouble with coke is that you get a quick sugar "fix" for energy and then you craaaash...and need more. That's how sugar works...hmmmmmmm, its figuring out what **sleep** would help give you more energy **sleeeep** that wouldn't **sllleeeeep** bring up your sugar ***slllllllllleeeeeeepppppppp*** levels....hmmmm i just can't thi...***sllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep***nk what that could b**sleepitysleepitysleeep**e. Ill look into it. ;) ~ Luv Ya
Relly, not to continue this hormone subject in here too, but notice how much dimished my cravings are? I dont know if its the hormones or the raw fruits and veggies, but I suspect its the hormones cuz I've tried eating healthy and low carb/low sugar and that never helped me lose any weight and I would always be STARVING. So I do wonder if that could be why you always eat so well but then you need to throw in a coke or a candy bar or sweet latte. Not a criticism since I did the exact same thing, always needed a candy bar or something sweet to throw into my day. I haven't had or desired sweets in 3 weeks, since I started the hormones..