Weight-Loss Accountability Contest - GET BACK ON TRACK!



New member
Okay guys, here it is - my contest idea! :sifone:

The idea of this contest is to help each other get back on track and keep each other motivated by holding each other accountable. (in a good way of course!)

The size of the teams will all depend on how many people are interested in joining, but right now I'm thinking teams of 2-3. I initially thought of having you guys pick people that you already know - but I think it may be easier to stick with if we make new friends. :waving: Old friends are likely to cut you some slack.

So, how will it work?

This will be a points based contest - but no one will be kicked off. Each week, I will total points for each team for a running tally. The team with the most points at the end of the contest will WIN! Weeks will start on Sunday and end on Friday. (which means all totals must be posted by Friday at midnight)

Points will be based on exercise, weight loss and bonus challenges..however, you must report what you ate (good or bad) on a daily basis in your team thread.

Point system:

EXERCISE - each person must do 30 min. per day for 6 days or have a total of 180 min. at the end of the week.
Anyone who completes this will earn 5 points.

Any team that has every player hit the exercise goal will receive an additional 10 points.

WEIGHT LOSS - you will earn 1 point per pound lost. So, if you lose 2 lbs., you will get 2 points. If you lose 1.5 lbs., you will get 1.5 points.

If you gain weight, no points will be earned or lost.

WEEKLY BONUS - I am going to post a "Bonus Idea Thread" so that each of you guys can submit your ideas for weekly bonuses. These ideas could be anything that you have wanted to try in the past, but haven't been able to stick to. (Ex. Drinking 8 glasses of water every day) I will randomly pick one of the bonus ideas each week and have the bonus posted by Saturday.

You must report the progress on the bonus daily to your team, and at the end of the week, your team will earn 15 points if everyone accomplishes the bonus.

Lastly - each team should report what they ate (good or bad) daily to their team for feedback, even though no points are involved in this aspect. I have always been successful giving myself one CHEAT DAY where I can eat any meal that I want (without being excessive) - so our Cheat Day will be Saturdays. No exercise or counting calories is required on this day!! So Ice Cream and Pizza for everyone!! Just kidding. :coolgleamA:

Sign ups will run through the end of of this week - so the last day to sign up would be Saturday, May 24th by 3 PM (this will allow me enough time to post the teams and the Bonus for the week starting Sunday, May 25th. The contest will run through August 30th (3 months).


P.S. - just want to throw this out there (let me know if you like the idea when you sign up.)

I thought that maybe we could each post a before picture (doesn't need to be in a bathing suit) - just a basic body shot of where we are all at prior to the contest. And then, at the end of the contest we'll all do after shots.

Let me know whatcha think~!
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This sounds like a fantastic idea! I'm definitely in!
This sounds like what I need to help me start this new journey. I am fine with the posting of a before and after pic, if others are. Can't wait for more info.


Live each day to the fulliest!
Well if guys are allowed to join in and there's some spaces :p sign me up.

Perfect timing for me, just after exams and just until before my birthday.

Look forward to participating :p

I vote for larger teams, to allow for attrition. With teams of 2 or 3 and a 3-month challenge, you're going to have a bunch of singles a month or two from now.

I'd be happy to play along, if anyone wants a teammate who isn't losing weight.
I would like to get in this. I need the accountability rightnow.
the only issue I have is what if i cannot post daily. Is this an issue since part of the challange is to post food every day?
haha... i dont know if i will be losing weight either but i will totally kill will all my spare workout time... im doing at least 60 minutes a day of cardio...
I would like to get in this. I need the accountability rightnow.
the only issue I have is what if i cannot post daily. Is this an issue since part of the challange is to post food every day?

I was assuming it meant you need to post what you did eat on a day to day basis, rather than saying yeah 1500 calories, 2000 etc More what it was, but that's just how I read it o_O

I would like to get in this. I need the accountability rightnow.
the only issue I have is what if i cannot post daily. Is this an issue since part of the challange is to post food every day?

The idea of the food part is for your team to help "hold you accoutable" for sticking to your plan. It's not REQUIRED, but it is for those, like myself - who do better when they have to report to someone.

Steve21 - you read it the right way. I'm not a calorie counter - and wanted to just do more of an exercise of looking at what you're really eating for the day - with your teammates giving you feedback. In the past, I have thought I was eating well - not realizing that I was cutting calories where I didn't have to, and then on the other hand, eating more than what I thought I was..does that make sense?

allyphoe - I agree, but its all gonna depend on how many people sign up - so once Saturday gets here, you may get your wish :)

As for you who are concerned about not losing - there's still the job of maintaining. The weight loss portion of the contest does play a part - but not a HUGE part - most of your points will be earned in exercise and bonuses - and most importantly, keeping each other motivated to STICK WITH IT.

Hope I answered everything - Saturday seems so close - I hope we get more to join! Have a great night! :waving:


As a quick question, We doing first weigh in Sunday morning or will it be saturday to start the week on the sunday? o_O If that makes sense :p

Thanks Steve
Totally in! Great Idea, sounds like it will help a lot. I'll be good for the exercise, I dance for an hour to an hour and a half a day. ^.^
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Suzaku - I would appreciate it if you would use a larger font (the default is fine). I have noticed that you use a particularly small font which I find difficult to read. You obviously have excellent eyesight - but others may not be so good. It often happens as we get older (I note that you are 18 years old).

We all like to be distinctive - and there is much to be said for that. It would be a shame if people missed your good suggestions because they read across your postings, or if people did not help you because they found reading your questions too hard.

I hope that you take this in the friendly manner that it is offered.
Hehe, Omega, that's such a sweet post, how could anyone take it badly??


So when should we check in again to see what's happening?? Saturday or Sunday night??


We doing first weigh in Sunday morning or will it be saturday to start the week on the sunday?

Thanks Steve

Great question! Once I tally all of the people who want to join on Saturday afternoon, I will post a the different team threads as well as a "template" to list your stats. Sunday will be the first official day - but weigh-ins will always be Saturday before NOON. So, for future reference - if you guys want to weigh yourselves on Friday and post, that's fine too. Just as long as all the stats are updated Saturday before NOON.

This Saturday will be an exception of course since the entry deadline is NOON. So, for Saturday, May 24th, your stats will need to be in before MIDNIGHT.

Hope I didn't confuse anyone.
Awesome thank you :p Just wanted to clarify that.

And in advance good luck to everyone :p Hope it all goes well.

Hehe, Omega, that's such a sweet post, how could anyone take it badly??


So when should we check in again to see what's happening?? Saturday or Sunday night??


Since all of the entries need to be posted by NOON, I will post the teams Saturday afternoon so that you guys can go on and post your Stats. Official game begins Sunday! Woohoo! Let's get ready to rumble! :hurray: