Abs/Weights during the weight loss process?

This thread makes me want to bang my head right off the got dang wall.

Read the stickies. They are there for a reason.

And stop worrying about adding muscle.
This thread makes me want to bang my head right off the got dang wall.

Read the stickies. They are there for a reason.

And stop worrying about adding muscle.

Nobody is wanting to add muscle. We are just deciding which route to take for weight training during weight loss.
I know nobody is wanting to add muscle.

Believe me, I actually have half decent reading comprehension.

People are, however, worried about putting on muscle... as in, they don't want to do that.

And the fact remains that most every single question that was asked in this thread has been answered in the stickies in more depth than you're most likely to get from someone in this very thread.

I'm trying to find the particular sticky called, "Weight Loss and Exercise" that I believe u (Steve) have mentioned in about your "rant sticky"...Where can I find this particular Weight Loss and Exercise sticky? Thanks....

I'm in process of reading stickies now :) I'm sure I'll ask questions when I am done with reading them :)



My personal experience is that.. I have been overweight to skinny in 2000 when I lost 50 pounds. That was doing only for cardio. It worked for me, then as I started weight lifting and gained 5 solid pounds. I would say I was toned...

However, this time, I'm curious to know what my body would like if I undergo cardio/weight training at the same time. Would it be toned as I was in 2000 or would my body even be more toned than I was in 2000 at the end of my goal?

That is one of the reasons why I asked these questions :)


Hey everyone,

I just found the sticky in weight and exercise thread!! So never mind about the request above, although :)


Go down to where you see the thread (bottom of the screen) that says weight and exercise? Open that thread, then you'll see the sticky on the top of the screen in that particular thread.

I actually don't mind answering questions. It provides me joy in life. It's just much better speaking with someone after they've taken the time to at least read what's been presented as foundational advice/information.

It's hard to answer questions and lead someone in the right direction when they don't have said foundation.

Thanks for reading the thread.
Hey everyone/Steve,

I have decided to start weight training....

Based on reading stickies, seems like full-body training for 3 times a week seems to be good...then 5 days of cardio... 30 minutes...starting from steady to mixed to HIT.

I have a question about ab training. I couldn't find information on how often to do core exercises/ab training and when to do it? on cardio days only or ?

Thanks! :)

Do the core training when you do your full body workouts. Do the abs last as your core stabilizes you for all other exercises. You don't want a weak core for the rest of your workout!
What do you mean by core training?

I'm assuming a bunch of exotic crunches, right?
Ok, so core area of the body consists of:

lower back
obliques (aka famous love handles)
lower abs
upper abs

Is that correct? Other areas of the body that I miss?

Makes sense about doing abs on full body workout.. I think I'll do the core exercises first then weight lifting, not last, because with core areas of the body being more "stabilized" will help the weight training.

When I lost weight in 2000, my body got smaller, not toned.. Just smaller... only got toned after I stopped losing weight and started lifting. Now with my new plan of doing weight lifting during the weight loss process with caloric deficit, I'm curious to know how my body would react to the combination. I have no idea on what the results would be because I haven't done the combination at the same time.

I'm also curious to know if there are some people who has done weight loss doing cardio only THEN at another time, done with cardio and weight training. We know that body get smaller when we did cardio only, but I am interested in hearing your experience on how your body reacts when you combine both methods and compare that with your body when u only did cardio.

Thanks! :)

Ok, so core area of the body consists of:

lower back
obliques (aka famous love handles)
lower abs
upper abs

Is that correct? Other areas of the body that I miss?

Multifidus, internal oblique, transverse abdominus, rectus abdominus, spinal erectors, external oblique, quadratus lumborum and lats.

There are more depending on who, how or why you're defining the core.

No, there are no upper and lower abs.

Makes sense about doing abs on full body workout.. I think I'll do the core exercises first then weight lifting, not last, because with core areas of the body being more "stabilized" will help the weight training.

I'd stick with doing them last. You don't want a fatigued core when you're doing big, compound exercises that require a lot of stabilization from the core. Surefire way to hurt your back.

When I lost weight in 2000, my body got smaller, not toned.. Just smaller... only got toned after I stopped losing weight and started lifting.

This means one of two things.

a) you didn't lose enough fat to expose the muscle you had

b) you lost a lot of muscle along with your fat which made it hard to obtain that 'toned' look

I guess you could throw a (c) in there too, that being a combo of (a) and (b).

Now with my new plan of doing weight lifting during the weight loss process with caloric deficit, I'm curious to know how my body would react to the combination.

Better muscle maintenance. Increased strength and functionality.

I have no idea on what the results would be because I haven't done the combination at the same time.

You're worrying to much on the outcomes and not enough on the doing.

I'm also curious to know if there are some people who has done weight loss doing cardio only THEN at another time, done with cardio and weight training.

Yes, of course there are people who have done this.

Why are you curious about it?

We know that body get smaller when we did cardio only, but I am interested in hearing your experience on how your body reacts when you combine both methods and compare that with your body when u only did cardio.

This is discussed ad nauseam in the stickies, mind you.

Weight lifting provides a strong stimulus to preserve muscle while dieting. Without it, the closer you get to an ideal weight the higher your chances of losing muscle... especially if you don't supplement your program with weight training and adequate protein consumption.

However you can lose weight by creating a deficit that comes from anything. Reduced food intake. Inreased caloric expenditure. A combo.

On the 'increased caloric expenditure' side of things... you could do more weight training, more cardio, more general movement... whatever.

You seem to be searching for answers that don't matter given all the data that's been presented to you or answers that have already been answered a dozen times in the stickies.

There is a difference between the procecces of losing weight and losing fat while preserving muscle.

It really is that simple.
Hey everyone,

Today I started weight lifting... Yay! Feels so good... I used to weight lift a lot in 2000, and stopped three years ago... I did "condition" myself today, meaning light weights and 15 reps... on Friday, will try Steve's recommendation for weight training for weight loss.. That is, heavy weight with 5 rep... 3 times...

Also did abs as well after weight training... then did cardio... 30 minutes of alternating 6.0 mph then 4.0 mph (3 minutes each)...

What did I learned today? I'm OUT OF SHAPE!!! Definitely need to start conditioning myself.....

Steve, to answer your question... Why am I curious? Well, for my history, I always have done cardio only... so was a smaller version of my "fat self" when I lost 50 pounds in 2000. I'm excited to see how this time my body will look like (with combination of weight training/cardio DURING the weight loss process). So to HELP my motivation, I would love to hear other people's experiences of both methods (doing only cardio, then at a future time, doing cardio/weight training).....Makes sense?

Question about "fueling for workout"..... I know we are to have caloric deficit during the weight loss process along with a combination of weight training/cardio. I'm wondering that I have noticed I have run out of "fuel". How can we get more "fuel/energy" to do the workouts if we have caloric deficit? Example: Water is great, but Vitamin Water has more energy and more calories. Vitamin Water helps me go through workouts more than Water alone.

Thanks! :)

Thanks Steve and others for your help/replies :)


Now I know the key to a good weight loss is to have a caloric deficit and doing that with a combination of a heavy weight lifting/cardio... Heavy weight lifting (5 rep for 3 times)....

Now question is: do we need to add weights to our ab training as well? Or no weights at all when it comes to ab/core training?

Thanks! :)

Thanks Steve and others for your help/replies :)


Now I know the key to a good weight loss is to have a caloric deficit and doing that with a combination of a heavy weight lifting/cardio... Heavy weight lifting (5 rep for 3 times)....

You don't *need* 5 reps for 3 sets.

There's no particular protocol that's right for everyone. For instance, someone with 100 lbs to lose shouldn't train the same as someone with 10 lbs to lose.

Now question is: do we need to add weights to our ab training as well? Or no weights at all when it comes to ab/core training?

Not all core training is created equal, so it's really impossible to answer your question.