Weight-Loss 6 wk Halloween Challenge!!

Also, i wanted to mention that I'll be making the individual threads for each team, as mentioned before. I'll post those probably tomorrow so that everyone can post their 'weight loss chart" that i'll make for them. but ONLY post your weight loss chart, no chit-chatting on team threads until the challenge starts, that way all the charts are all together in a little group. ya know?

Thats ideal...again...with last minute entries though, I won't have their charts all together.
it's life... probably half will drop out, those that stick to it! should be applauded...
What about making a team just for the late joiners? Like.. even if that means only 1 Person (lol... yeah right!) they will be able to stick it through if they want and when it comes to individuals... accept no more late joiners??? I'm thinking as I'm typing too. lol. So I hope I am making sense.
What about making a team just for the late joiners? Like.. even if that means only 1 Person (lol... yeah right!) they will be able to stick it through if they want and when it comes to individuals... accept no more late joiners??? I'm thinking as I'm typing too. lol. So I hope I am making sense.

I wouldn't mind having a seperate team for late joiners. Either that, or maybe we could allow late sign ups, but only after someone else has dropped out - that way, the late sign up can just replace the drop out, so teams would always stay even.

Either that, or anyone who signs up late has to make out with me for 20 minutes before they're allowed to play. OH...and they have to wear a Christmas sweater while they do it. Don't ask...I just want it to happen. Yeeeeeah, awesome.
haha...yeah..id say either seperate teams for late joiners orrr only allow late entrys if there are drop outs...my two cents...=)....also...those mini challenges sound kind of cool too...looking forward to this.=D
ok, thanks for the feedback! I liked the idea of late joiners having their own team! The idea of having them fill a spot of one that dropped is a good one too...but I've considered the fact that it might be over a week before anyone knows that one has dropped the challenge. Esp. given that its not required to 'chat' w/ your team, only that you need to check in for your weigh in once a week...and then we'll think 'oh, give them a couple of days to post weigh in..maybe he/she's on vaca..maybe something happend'..next thing you know its been two weeks before we replace him/her, ya know?? in the meanwhile, those on the waiting list, may loose interest??? I think the separate teams a great idea! We'll stick with that!
whoa! Lots of posts since I last looked!!! I like the idea of the separate teams. That way, late joiners can still get the benefit without it being too much of an interference with already made teams! Everyone wins!!!!

I'll try to think of some names too!!! :-D One day until weight posting!! woooooo
How about Skinny Skeletons? "Weightloss Ghosties" (as opposed to weightless) haha I'm not great at these. I really like the Pumpkin Posse and shrinking spooks too!!
I really wanted to join, but I'm moving to university next week and wont have access to scales very often :(

Good luck to everyone anyway!
If we have team names, I deeeeefinitely want to be on either The HalloWEINERS or The Jack-Off-Lanterns.

i LOOOOOVE THESE!!!!! Hallo WEINERS is aweeeeesome!

ps- im in on this challange for sure!!! i need something to boost my last leg of this weightloss!!! :hurray:
This is off topic but, I made a diary, and used the BB code to post pics and all that good stuff, even used photobucket, but the pictures don't show up, only the link. I don't want to attach thumbnails. Anyway, I just tried to post one here, just to see what would happen, and clicked preview or whatever, and the damn picture showed up! WTF? Are we not allowed to post an entire picture w/ out it being a thumbnail in the diary posts or what? Hopefully someone can tell me, lol Thanks!
This is off topic but, I made a diary, and used the BB code to post pics and all that good stuff, even used photobucket, but the pictures don't show up, only the link. I don't want to attach thumbnails. Anyway, I just tried to post one here, just to see what would happen, and clicked preview or whatever, and the damn picture showed up! WTF? Are we not allowed to post an entire picture w/ out it being a thumbnail in the diary posts or what? Hopefully someone can tell me, lol Thanks!

I think there should be a sticky about this... i always just do thumb nails tho....

ohhhh i am going to be in on this and NOT drop out!!!

I want to lose 10 lbs by then... but its gonna be tooooooough!!! ive worked my butt off the last few weeks and cant lose my last 5 lbs.... so i gotta boogie and try to ditch 10!!! whooooo

cant wait!!! :)
Thanks Marie. I gave up, lol People can just click the links if they want to see the pics. I tried doing the attachment thing but it said I could only attach 5pics and I posted more than that. Oh well!

I wish I only needed to lose 5-10lbs! =P One day, one day..haha
the phantom phatties...
skinny witches...
pumpkin pie-eaters...
children of the candy corn.

lol lame, i know, but i had fun thinkin about it :reddevil:
OK, so here we are guys...I literally went down the line of people that signed up (in that order) and cut off teams at every ninth person.


Big P
Tim B

Children of the Candy Corn

J road

Give me a minute to make the team threads. Remember, no chatting until every chart has been posted.

I am concerned about the couple of people who's only post on this forum was to say "i'm in" and thats it...i don't know if they'll show back up or not??
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oh how i wish i were a Hallow WEINER.