Weight-Loss 6 wk Halloween Challenge!!

those are good! I was thinking more halloweenish names??? I'll have to go back and see what we used last time?

If we have team names, I deeeeefinitely want to be on either The HalloWEINERS or The Jack-Off-Lanterns.
lol, cute ideas, but i dont' think think, being a mod, i should approve of any name that might be seen as slightly offensive...unless others speak up that its ok w/ them????
lol, cute ideas, but i dont' think think, being a mod, i should approve of any name that might be seen as slightly offensive...unless others speak up that its ok w/ them????

How 'bout if I give you $20? And, by "give you $20", I mean "make out with your bare feet".

HAHAHA, what?
By the way, I definitely will not drop out! I have been a lurker (on and off) for about 3 years now. I had to make a new screen name today because I couldn't remember my old s/n or pw, I requested it through email yesterday and today and never got the email. Booo!!!

As far as names, I'm not good w/ stuff like that but I did like the name the monstars, lol I didn't read all of the comments though.
I pledge to worker harder than I have ever worked before. For six short weeks. Just to see how it works for me. No weakness allowed here!
Bmo, that sounds like a plan! I need to remember that one, and keep repeating it to myself.

Ooo, team names. Umm... I love the aesthetics of Candy-Corn but I don't know if having a food item in the name would be a good idea :p

Chef, hahaha, I love you. :)
So guys, what do you think about this idea.....

in the past when we had a challenge that lasted more than a few wks, we'd have mini-challenges to go with it...just to keep things spicy!

Like, one week can be a "who can drink the most water" or "who can walk the most miles" or somethign like that...it seems to help keep the momentum up.

Heres another question. Do you guys want to allow members to sign up late or after the challenge starts??? Or do we have a cut off date where no one else can join??? There are pros and cons to both, so I just wanting your input.
I think the challenges sound great. I love challenges.

I say, If the other members have drive to join the challenge, then they should go for it. But it all depends on how you feel,Korrie. With how you are going to keep track of them, and if they will forget and drop out of the challenge.
Thanks for the input Brandy! As much as we stress that dropping out is NOT going to be a factor in this challenge...its bound to happen. Thats one good side of allowing last minute people to join b/c they could fill the void from other members leaving. BUT it does make it harder to keep track of the teams weight loss, as a whole. The starting weight will be different. *sigh* lol, i'm thinking this through as i'm typing, lol. Um, I guess in the end, the "teams" weight loss isnt' whats important, its the individual.

Again though, lol, what if someone joins in the last 2 wks of the challenge and they end up having a big loss...the people who stuck it out for 6 wks will feel "ripped off" if they end up loosing a prize or a postcard to a late entry..ya know??

See why I'm not good at making the choice??? lol