20lbs or less club

Great idea!

Great idea! Seriously, why didn't I think of that??? I buy things in bulk, I should cook them in bulk too. I can definitely do that - thank you once again, Jennay!
Frozen veggies are an easy meal or snack. I like to thaw them out, stick them in a wok, and add some ginger, sweet and sour sauce and stir-fry sauce and a tablespoon of butter. They also make rice in the pre-packaged bags now, and you just have to pop them in the microwave. Pasta isn't very quick, but it's easy! I love making fajitas with fresh peppers, onions, mushrooms, and zucchini although they taste great when they're made from frozen veggies too. There's always cereal! :)
Simple, tasty meal

My fave snacks options:
1-2 squares of dark chocolates
cherry tomatoes
1-2 bite-size brownies

try this simple meat-veg dish:
250g of chicken breast, carrots, cauliflower, tomato slices, celery, chinese cabbage (amount of vegs is up to you.. :D)

Cut up the meat in small slices, and the veggies as well.
Chop up 1 clove of garlic into small pieces.

heat up 1-2tbsp of veg oil in a wok, add chopped garlic and fry till the aroma comes out, then fry the meat... next up the carrots.. then cauliflower.. then the rest..

Add 1tbsp of corn starch to a small bowl of warm water and stir it, then pour into the wok. This is so that you get a rather thick sauce for the dish.

Add salt & pepper to your liking.


It should take no more than 30 minutes... and you can add in paprika or any other kinds of veg you like, button mushrooms are nice too... You can also replace the chicken with lean pork or fishcake.

We call it 'capcay' in Indonesia.. which is a typical Indonesian Chinese dish! :p

The idea here is that the meat is more to give flavors into the dish, rather than as the main item.

Served best with hot, fluffy thai jasmine rice.

Let me know if you like it. ;)
Wow, great ideas!

Thanks guys - these are great ideas!!! Ask and you all deliver!

p.s. Jennay - Oh my gosh I feel awful for your brother's girlfriend! I'm sure he meant the best, but oh wow! "No fly zone" is right! I had a bfriend who I thought made a comment about my wt in college (I gained ~15 lbs while we were dating) and I mentioned it to a friend and she told all my friends and they nearly clawed the poor guy's eyes out! Turns out I'd misunderstood something he'd said (or so he said...) but still, tell your poor brother to watch his back! j/k... I guess boys have to learn the hard way sometimes, don't they? Poor kid, sounds like he was trying to do something helpful for thier relationship and it just came out all wrong. Sounds like she knows him well enough to know he didn't mean to hurt her feelings. At least he won't make that mistake again!
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Yeah, I figure if anything, at least she knows he'll always be open and honest with her, if a little tactless, lol. He really does care a lot for her and I think she knows it, so hopefully all will be well for them. The family is really pulling for this one, she's great.
Yay! I lost 2 lbs. You guys have really helped so thanks. I have about 12lbs to go. I want it to be off by June 1. Do you think I will be able to do it? I hope so. Thanks everybody for all the food suggestions too.
Jennay: that's hysterical about your brother...I like honesty in a guy - but there's limits! Looks like we do the same thing with the baggies...I should own stock in zip-lock bags. It's a once a week pain in the butt to pre-portion to that degree...but wow it makes the rest of week so much easier - when you can just grab a baggie of meat of cheese or veggies and know exactly what you're getting it takes all the hassle and guess-work out of quick snack/meal prep.
I am going to try to lose around thirteen pounds by June, and it is perfectly attainable. I think it's about one pound a week between now and then. Congrats on the 2 lb loss!
Hi all, just skimmed this page and looks like you are all doing well.

Jennay-Lol at your brother. I thought males knew that was a no go area as well?

Well, I haven't been on for a few months because I went off the rails yet again! Can't stick to it for more than a week and look at my join date! Thanfully, all is not lost and I haven't piled on the pounds. I now get the train to school, which also means just under a 1 mile walk every morning which is somehow making me lose quite a lot of weight without changing my simply appalling diet and I am now 119lbs, which I am pretty pleased with. I would only like to lose a few more pounds and then I want to focus on toning up my thighs and stomach.

Today I was meant to start my diet, hmmm, didn't really go to plan. Had chocolate milkshake for breakfast, at breaktime was a banana and a cookie, at lunchtime was another banana and another choc milkshake (as you can tell this is my downfall). When i got home I had a grilled chicken wrap with low fat french dressing which is a vast improvement form a couple of choccie bars and a packet of crisps. Then for dinner my mum had made a casserole which I am sure will have had quite alot of calories in.

Exercise wise I did my walk this morning but as of yet nothing else. I plan on doing a 15 minute jog later (this will be all I can manage, if that, my fitness level is terrible), and then maybe 10 minutes toning exercises.

Anyway rambled on enough.....
Becca If you only have 15 minutes to jog, try some intervals, super killer! Try either jog/walk, sprint/walk, or sprint/jog combos with a 1:2 ratio (ie sprint for 30 sec, walk for 60 sec), do whatever you can handle for your 15 minutes instead of just a steady pace, supposedly much better for you! :D
Thanks Jennay, thats a really good idea actually! Will try that today.

Today has been alright, could have been better. No chocolate milkshakes or chocolate today but I did just polish off a packet of crisps. Am on my 3rd litre of water today. 3 pieces of fruit so far.
I haven't been doing well the past couple of days. I ate one scoop of ice cream from baskin robbins on Sunday. Yesterday I went out to eat to the Cheesecake Factory and had 3-4 bites of cheesecake and ate a meal with white rice, chicken,and shrimp in it. Then I ate the leftover rice for lunch. I also had ice cream tonight. I crave sweets and if anyone has any good ideas on something healthier that I would like than let me know. I have done my regular workout at the gym the past couple of days and I always push myself to the limit. Please tell me these little mishaps happen to everyone.

Thanks everyone for listening.
Lori -- When I absolutely must have chocolate, I have hot chocolate made with skim milk and sugar free hershey's syrup. Especially since it is still really cold outside, this is a great treat, but doesn't screw up my entire day. :)
jen-hi all! i'm 5'5 and 140 trying to lose 20 lbs. so far, my diet isnt going as planned. i'm trying for 5 small meals a day, but 2 of the small meals have alot of fat in them because they are school meals. i dont really have the time to pack lunch cause i wake up to late in the morning and i get home from work late as well. i know what i have to do, i guess i just need motivation or somethng. or at least to know someone else is going through the same thing.
LoriTeresa- everyone has slip ups! Just today I ate a piece of chocolate cake AND banana pudding. One way I get my chocolate fix the healthy way is chocolate soy milk- one cup has only 90 calories and 7 grams of protein.

Jensux2- welcome! Good luck in your goals. I would have to suggest waking up earlier in the mornings to pack yourself some snacks to take to school with you, or preparing them the night before. If you need motivation, you are in the right place!

Jensux2. I also go to school and find the meals to be high in fat. I usually end up going for white pasta with a sauce, which I'm not sure whether they made from scratch or not.

What I try to do is take something with me so that I can skip the pasta, have breakfast in the morning before I leave and something to eat when I get back from school. This rarely happens as I always prefer to have another 10 minutes in bed rather than get up for breakfast, so I usually grab a couple of pieces of fruit on the way out. Not much...but better than nothing.

I think the best solution is too prepare your food the evening before, or force yourself to get up that extra 10 minutes early. I would do it the night before.

I know its hard to get the motivation. God knows how many times I have started a diet and finished it 1 week later but you have to keep on at it. What I usually do when I am about to eat something I know I shouldn't I think to myself "Now, is this REALLY worth the guilt I'll be feeling later? Is it REALLY worth doing another 20-30 mins exercise for?". That works about 99% of the time.

I know I'm going on a bit now but if you find it hard to keep up with all the changes you could try introducing them one by one? So maybe give up crisps one week, then the next week add 10 more minutes to your cardio or something, whatever fits you. Good luck!
We have been pretty quiet lately, all the other clubs are going to beat us (at what I am not sure yet, lol :D ).

Just bumping us up :)
Rough few days

Hi guys!
I've been a little quiet b/c I fell off the wagon for a few days, but I'm back on and feeling SO much better :) I pretty much ate cake straight for 3 days :eek: , but shockingly I only gained a lb (??). I felt HORRIBLE though! So tired and icky feeling. I'm feeling sooo much better today after eating healthy. Anyway, I guess I was just a little embarassed that I'd been doing so badly, so I haven't wanted to post as much. Silly, I know!:eek:
I couldn't figure out why I was having so much trouble, but looking back, it makes so much sense. I've been kind of going through a lot of stuff lately and haven't really wanted to acknowledge it, you know? I wanted to think that oh, it's not really bugging me, but it is. So I guess now that I can recognize it, I can stop letting it boss me around. Like I said, today has been so much better and I'm feeling so much better, both physically and mentally!
Hope you guys are all having a great week!
p.s. The mantra that every bite is an opportunity to take a step towards or away from my goal has been a HUGE help today! That and the reminder that the first day back on the wagon is always the toughest, so that if I can make it through today, tomorrow will be so much easier!
I've been quiet too...

I was sick for over a week, feeling better now though. I'm starting my workouts back up, but just not up for the early morning exercise quite yet. I'd like to get that going again.

Welcome newbies! Stick around!
Good to see you around Kat and Anna :) Hope you are both feeling better! (whether sick by bug or cake ;) )