Welcome, BellaOx (funny name - I like it

) You've come to the right place - this group rocks!
Kat: I totally know what you mean about the fine line between wanting to make good choices, wanting people to realize that you're not depriving yourself, and wanting them to know that you do have to work at it (so for the love of Pete, stop trying to force that piece of pie down my throat!

) I
totally agree that it all comes down to having confidence about it. If you just know who you are and what you want and act and speak accordingly, other people are more likely to accept it and move on to more interesting topics. (Easier said than done though, right!) I've been practicing this and I'm starting to find that the more I act like I know what I'm doing, the easier it gets. My big issue has been binge eating, and so when I read this book about it (
Runaway Eating by Bulik -- REALLY good book if you're interested!), one of her main points was that if you truly believe that you can conquer food's hold on you, then you can do it. I used to be the type of person who couldn't have sweets or snacks in the house b/c I'd devour the entirel bag/box immediately, but once I truly believed that it didn't have to be that way, I now have tons of junk in the house, and I just have a little bit once in a while when I feel the urge (which is surprisingly infrequently - hooray!)
Uh oh, crying baby must go - ack!
I have another question for the group but I will post later at next naptime