Hows the family? What'd you guys do for Thanksgiving?
Hope things are going well =]
Hey Tony , your link on the supine row doesnt work ,
Is this the right one?
I tried this once a long time ago and i thought it was quite great but i just did not include in my routine at that point of time. lol
Tony, did you ever give the Metabolic Diet a try? If so, how did you do on it?
Your boy wont eat meat? Oh wow, that's so completely different than my daughter. (i think they're only a couple months apart in age)
Erika's natural tastes run along the lines of - any meat, lots of veggies, and fruit
It's perfect! heh. We joke around our house that if you told Erika steak comes from a cow she'd be out in the fields chasing them around.
I have looked at the concept of it. Since this code thing isnt working I am just going to have my buddy at V-shop get me two tubs of ON @25% off. I think it is actually less then using this code and ordering online.
I have Nitrean but I am getting 10lbs of ON whey plus 2lbs of casein. We'll see how it goes. I am thinking of eating breakfast each morning however.
But the calories will still be around 1400-1700 per day.
Ive never tried the Metabolic Drive. I am hoping the actual breakfast will help keep me sane.
What kind of results did you see?
I moved this out of the other thread to here since it really didnt go with the thread.
10lbs and 4% bf is pretty damn good reults. However was it worth the torture lol.