AMPing It Up

I had a fairly busy evening yesterday, I trained for about an hour and then spent a few hours with my son who is a Junior at University of Kansas. I am going to post TODAY in your Journal about what I told you I would.

AMP, my post is going to surround balancing your "Want-o-meter" with lifes stimulants and varying environments in conjunction with your goals.

I first want you to read CCR's Post in his journal:

Its the post he made from testerone nation: Set yourself on fire.

If this gets your upset........then you will be in the mood for my forth coming post.

Remember, I am your friend and always will be.......I am on your side in this journey. As your friend, its my job to uplift you and WAKE YOU UP!
this made me happy, not only because this could be a solution to one of the worlds biggest problems, but also because its peanut butter:yelrotflmao:
Hey AMP.............Im a newb member........dont feel bad.....! Being a newb is GREAT! FEEL REFRESHED.............

I do have that post already typed....I will post when they reactivate my account...............SUP today! :)
Hey Chillen,

Yesterday was a pretty good day, and I actually fell asleep! (granted I tried to go to bed at 2:30). I didn't lift yesterday, and I don't plan on lifting today either, but I think I might get a haircut. that may seem like a pointless thing to say, but I've had the same barber for about 9 years, and now hes over 1000 miles away, and I don't know if i can trust anyone else with my hair:eek: I also might play some racquetball today, which I played a few weeks ago for the first time and actually had a great time playing. How's everything with you. I'm going to try and keep my calories below maintenance for the day, so if I end up at a party tonight those beers won't put me over.


Until they change the "under title" in my original Account (Chillen) (its still active), I can't use it to post. It has been over a day, and I still cant log in. Therefore I have to post what I have to say under my new account name. I just want you to know its me.....:eek:


Last night I went out and had a few shots as well as a few beers, and did a lot of munching. I know its bad, but I'm in college, its unavoidable.

I disagree entirely. This is utter…….BUNK!

I want you know that I wrote this from my heart for you my friend. I hope you can make sense of it, and I want to talk to you about it.

A friend lends a hand and extends it, and holds the right hand of the other friend firm acknowledging friendship, but sometimes the friend holding the right hand has to extend the left hand and slap the friends left hand at the same time: Thus a TRUE FRIEND.

You can be the independent FUNCTION and subordinating CONJUNCTION in the environmental DYSFUNCTION and your training and dieting goals will not MALFUNCTION.

YOU are at fault……bottom line.

YOU made the DECISION and CHOICE to drink; you allowed the surrounding environment to point a gun to your head to make you "think" you had no decision and no choice, and the gun went off.

Don’t be misinformed, even adults have this problem. Therefore don’t even think that this type of problem is just restricted to your age and present atmosphere; it will be one you will fight most of your life and into adulthood.

Though the stimulants within the circumference of the atmosphere may be different as we mature and age ; whether you are holding the gun in hand on the lap or by the head, or throw it away, is based on your CHOICES and DECISIONS you make (in the "context" we are speaking).

There are some variables in life we have no control over, but the wisdom is knowing the difference between them.

Your perceptive view, attitude, and subsequent reaction, to the recognized things you can change and things you cannot change, can make an impeccable distinction between your internal emotions and the circumstance(s) and subsequent feedback and/or consequences; internally being able to separate attitude, perception, potential reaction, WITH acknowledging just how powerful ones emotions can define and manipulate each of the aforementioned.

Recognize that emotions can and will try to be functional in decisions and reactions: Some emotions are impulse related, stimulated by circumstances and/or atmosphere, some emotions are more personal related to opinions, feelings, beliefs, personality, and other associated human functions.

BUT: Emotions can LIE and tell you the TRUTH.


You know you "shouldn't do something" (your brain is being logical, this logic is based on a "premise", say your weight loss goal), but strong emotions kick in in favor of the event or become twisted, as does some memory, and atmosphere stimulants, that tend to favor the unwanted action that your logic has factored against): your emotions just lied against your logic inference, and you WILL pay a PRICE in the result.

Subsequently when you get finished with the event your logic was against, this happens:

The logic fundamentally stays the same going from "I should not do this" to "I shouldn't have done that", but the emotions do a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Going from: " euphoria " "desire" "anticipation" (strongest feelings), "slight depression" (guilt potential) (weakest), to: " Lined Depression" ," Anger", "Some Heavy Guilt", "Despair",----as the emotions now have become on par or in line with the logic against the action--after the fact, and this without adding in any "Biological Factors" that may or may not exist (feeling of dehydration, headache, loss of energy, etc.)

Thus emotions can carry over a "disease" effect on some other factors such as attitude, demeanor, and "overall internal feeling" , and can effect other decisions, that same day or subsequent days following the "bad" decision. How much and how long depends on "subject matter on decision" ----and the internal "VALUE" it opposed.

In my opinion, everyone has a separate "View Box" from which all emotional stimulants, biological factors, brain perception, and personality traits and functions, feed into. These aforementioned stimulants, perceptions, factors, traits, and functions, feed into YOURSELF, and thus determine your decision.

If you can separate your "view box" (yourself), from the various stimulants, perceptions, factors, traits, and functions, (lets call these: "Persona"), and feed these independent but sometimes "washing machine mechanisms" of the persona into your "view box", and then let your "view box" equate this to the "value" you have placed on a "subject matter", you WILL win more than you will lose (and most of the time when you in fact view things like this, when you in fact lose, it is "usually" a situation you had no control over, or was limited in some fashion).

You are going to have to take this "view Box" and "POLICE" your "Persona" correctly in conjunction with your "want-o-meter" level of your personal goals, young man, and control the "meter" correctly. And, it is this VERY THING, that fails many persons and its just not you in college: we all have variable environmental factors that influence us………….STOP CRYING because its college and this is what you do……..HOG WASH!

I been where you are at (in a school dorm--I know). Put your "view box in control", and when other factors inside you wreak havoc, pull from strength, desire, passion, WILL POWER, or any other stimulus you can view, and raise the fricken' "want-o-meter" to the level necessary to maintain your path:

And, THEN when this is done ENOUGH, you can take your "view box" and allow a lowering of this same meter and not hurt your goal path. UNDERSTAND?!

Do these "PERSONA'S" control you or do YOU control them? THIS IS THE QUESTION.


Anything (or most things) that are NOT worth achieving--are easy to obtain. Think about it. Most persons all they have to do to gain weight (or get fatter) is EAT (how hard is that? For most persons).

Most things that are worthwhile to obtain are the HARDEST but one in which can bring the most satisfaction (i.e. deficit dieting, training and adapting to responses given by the body).

Each day that you achieve and win your mental battles you win, and brings you one step closer. Each day that this occurs, has an accumulation effect that will creep up on you, and before you know it, your there. And no feeling in the world will overcome the daily feeling you get once your there.........Rock on today.

Some of my various quotes I have made in the past: (they you may have not seen):

"So many people complain that life is unfair, but that very fact proves just how fair it can be. Life doesn't discriminate. Everyone's life contains difficulties."

It is courage, courage, courage, that raises the blood of life to crimson splendor. Live bravely and present a brave front to adversity.

True hope dwells on the possible, even when life seems to be a plot written by someone who wants to see how much adversity we can overcome.

We all share them: We all have weakness and difficulties, however, we must have the consciously aided intellect to overcome them.

We must have high expectations and reasonable demands place on ourselves to expect to receive high achievements.

We hold the keys to our own cages and can free ourselves when we use our courage and inner strength to overcome our fears---J.H. Newman.

And for a laugh:

Okay, Unload: How did it go today: June 13,07

My day went pretty well. I didn't have one of those: What the....? (f@ck) days. Like I had last week:

I woke up stubbed my toe, and while its still throbbing, my car tire was flat, then like an idiot, I left the dome light on, and the battery was dead. Then I was pissed because I had to go get gas in it, and pissed because it cost over $3.

I got to work, all but one PC was blue screening, I couldn't see straight so I turned a corner to fast and buckled my index finger, now I was really upset as this was going to effect my lifts..........What the.........?

I still kept my diet and trained.

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What I think Chillen is trying to say, change your mindset to one of choice. When you go out with the boys to drink, you're choosing to do social activities over fitness. It's an act of choice, not something unavoidable.

From there, you get a much clearer view of why you're doing it and what alternatives there are. For example, your goal of going out with the guys might well get achieved just as well if you stop drinking halfway through and just ride it the rest of the way, or drink a diet coke instead of every other beer, or go home 2 hours before everyone else, and don't munch. You're now in a mindset where you're not just mindlessly doing what the rest are doing, but actively adjusting your behaviour based on your priorities. Suddenly you're socialising while mostly staying on diet and being fresh to work out the next day. Maybe you become the fit guy who goes out but doesn't drink that much, that's not a bad role to choose for yourself.

Someone said that for humans, between stimuli and response there's a gap. You can choose what goes on in that gap, and so what your response will be.
What I think Chillen is trying to say, change your mindset to one of choice. When you go out with the boys to drink, you're choosing to do social activities over fitness. It's an act of choice, not something unavoidable.

From there, you get a much clearer view of why you're doing it and what alternatives there are. For example, your goal of going out with the guys might well get achieved just as well if you stop drinking halfway through and just ride it the rest of the way, or drink a diet coke instead of every other beer, or go home 2 hours before everyone else, and don't munch. You're now in a mindset where you're not just mindlessly doing what the rest are doing, but actively adjusting your behaviour based on your priorities. Suddenly you're socialising while mostly staying on diet and being fresh to work out the next day. Maybe you become the fit guy who goes out but doesn't drink that much, that's not a bad role to choose for yourself.

Someone said that for humans, between stimuli and response there's a gap. You can choose what goes on in that gap, and so what your response will be.

To continue with what nicolasd said...

I go out with my wife and her friends regularly - probably at least 1 / month, sometimes more with just my wife. I can't recall the last time I had more than 2 drinks at a bar and I always keep mysefl coherent enough to be the designated driver. I don't want to lose my license to (former) Officer Chillen for a year because of a stupid DUI. But, also, I am able to function the next day without wasting a whole day recovering.

But, of course, if drinking was a choice to all people, there wouldn't be a need for AA...
AMP Im on you like Flies know what........My friend......Im getting caught up on your other posts........:)
Hey Chillen,

Yesterday was a pretty good day, and I actually fell asleep! (granted I tried to go to bed at 2:30). I didn't lift yesterday, and I don't plan on lifting today either, but I think I might get a haircut. that may seem like a pointless thing to say, but I've had the same barber for about 9 years, and now hes over 1000 miles away, and I don't know if i can trust anyone else with my hair:eek: I also might play some racquetball today, which I played a few weeks ago for the first time and actually had a great time playing. How's everything with you. I'm going to try and keep my calories below maintenance for the day, so if I end up at a party tonight those beers won't put me over.


Word..........Keep your head about you man........Keep your goals INLINE with your life.......want it..........get it........ROCK ON!
Let me now if you read my long post under my other name......And made sense of it......BRO!

ROCK ON! AMP THE MAN!......................HOLD THE HEAD UP!>>>>>>>>ROCK IT!
Hey guys,

First let me say thank you so much chillen for that post. It means a lot that you would spend so much time writing that for me. (+rep)

I'm starting to see how I can take control of the situation more and more each day. Between a combination of the help on this forum, as well as getting to know more and more people here, it is easier to make personal decisions that won't negatively effect me in any way, or will minimize the damages (whether they be fitness or social goals). Chillen, you were right when you called my earlier post "Utter Bunk." Those are not excuses, and you will not see any posts like that any more.

As for Nicolas and Richard, what you guys have just stated is what I'm actually trying to do. First I'll explain how things work. Before you go out people will pre-game in somebodies room, I try to drink as little as possible. Then we go out to a frat party, where its at times easy to drink nothing or impossible to drink nothing. What I mean by this is that since there are much more people at the parties, nobody really watches you and puts pressure on you. But sometimes even when I am doing my best trying not to drink, its actually impossible. Ex: The other night I was trying to leave a party because I didn't want to drink anymore, and these 3 frat guys that I'm "friends" with grabbed me sat me down in a chair and poured some drink into my mouth. Although funny, I was actually leaving the party and I lost 150+ calories in my last minute of the party. When I quoted friends, I mean that I've talked to them a few times and they know my name. But as a whole, I drink as little as possible when people are drinking. I think that whole "being that fit guy who doesn't drink that much" is a good goal to have.

Chillen, it is my choice to drink. I do enjoy it, and I think it's fun. However, I will seperate my "viewbox" from my "persona." I will not succumb to only achieving those easy goals. Those hard goals are my primary focus right now. And those goals are to get the body I want, as well as do well in school. Let me also say that I am not going to comment much on your post, but that you should know I have read it too many times, and have internalized all of it, and the time you put in to writing this shall not be in vain. This information will be with me at all times, especially when the pressure starts to become too much to bear. I will think of your words, and I know I will make the right decision.

You're all awesome.

I tried to carefully word it.

BUT DO POST WHEN you make mistakes or feel weak (we all go through these bouts), this is what this forum is for. I just wanted you to recognize some of the reasons for certain decisions that are made. Remember, a small percentage of WRONG (dieting, weight loss, trainiing, etc) DOES NOT wipe out the LARGE PERCENTAGE OF THE GOOD.....this is what I am additionally trying to say. Just learn to have some self discipline and say no once in a while (not all the time--once in a while), and make it the larger percentage so you STAY ON TRACK!.........If my post assists you in thinking differently and triggers some thoughts of applicable correction......I could be more happier--------for YOU............

ROCK ON BROTHA!..........I always wish you the best. :)
The good night turned into one of the worst nights of my life. It was good because I did an excellent job avoiding alcohol but still being social, and I was proud of that. However, it quickly turned in to a terrible night. After some drama with this girl that I had a little thing for, and another girl on my floor, it ended up that two girls were locked out of their dorm, and had to sleep with me and my roommate. These girls kept us up until 5:30. At that point i told everyone we need to go to bed, and they did. However, I could not. At 7 in the morning, the sun came up, and I started to freak out. I called my parents and started pacing up and down the hallways because I was awake and the sun had just come up. After that I went back to my room and was able to sleep for 3 hours. Right now I feel like complete crap. I just had breakfast and ate more food than I think I have ever eaten, and I do not regret it at all. 70% of the food was bad, and I probably at 150% more food than I should have, but I really don't care about that right now. This whole insomniac complex is making me extremely nervous and I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm going to try and stay awake all day as I have a lot of studying to do, and also in the hopes that I will be able to fall asleep tonight. I was supposed to train today but I physically cannot. My body has been trembling at random times, and I can't stop tapping my foot. I don't know what to do. If anyone could give advice it would be great. :bncry:
