Your favorite powdered protein

I use ON as well. Have only tried chocolate and strawberry, chocolate is good but strawberry IMO tastes too much like medicine, cough syrup to be exact.

I agree, but I have a hug bag of strawberry, so I'll use it up and never buy it again.

I've had vanilla (very good) and rocky road (also a goodie, but the opinions are mixed).
Well I couldn't find ON, so I got EAS 100% whey... there wasn't a neutral flavor either, so I got chocolate. It's not horrible, but the taste definately leaves something to be desired. It was cheap enough though.
EAS is a reuputable brand. But now you have time to search for ON, or better yet, get yourself some free samples and see for yourself (or just scrub off some friends).

I'm a pharmacy major (biochem); but evo's right, i <3 t3h b1g w0r1)s
Well tough guy, maybe you should get in those English classes insteada' slangin around drugs all day!

Soy tambien un biochem major, jajajjaa
I went to GNC the other day, and it surprised me that they didn't have ON. Guess I'll have to order it online.
Usually GNC has ON but just look around for it more or ask. When I saw it, it was on the other side of the store away from the protein. ON is probably the best for it's price. Muscle Milk is delicious but expensive. I have some of the GNC pro performance brand of protein and it tastes about the same as on. Myoplex is good but also expensive. I got vanilla ice cream ON one time, big mistake! I like to mix my shakes with water sometimes because the milk runs out pretty quick when you mix it all with your shakes. But anyway, it makes me gag everytime I take a drink.