Your favorite powdered protein

So I'm thinking about getting a protein suppliment, and wanted to know what everyone's favorites are. I'm looking for something that's cheap, unflavored, and comes in powder form. I know sometimes you only get what you pay for, but that doesn't necessarily make the extra money suddenly appear in my budget. So, what do you use, and/or recommend? Thanks.
Well, you didnt say what country your from.
I bought some ON (chocolate) I like it ok, but it's sort of weak flavored, not very chocolatey. The Myoplex lite shakes were much richer in flavor, but they are meal replacements and much more expensive.
"ON" seems to be pretty popular, does anyone use creatine? I'll check out "ON", thanks. I'm from the USA by the way.
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I'm also a fan on ON, although my suppliers don't carry any of the cooler flavors like Mint Chocolate or Barbeque. Nope, just the regular choc, vanilla, and strawberry. I like choc the best, because I'm sick of vanilla, and strawberry tastes so fake.
I use ON as well. Have only tried chocolate and strawberry, chocolate is good but strawberry IMO tastes too much like medicine, cough syrup to be exact.
ON. I've only tried vanilla ice cream and strawberry...but friday I plan on going to GNC and gettin 2 different small ones of dif flavor. So I might update this post soon.
Wow no wonder they can make it so cheap, demand is through the roof. Thank goodness for economies of scale.
I don't know if the creatine question was seperate, or if you were under this assumption somehow, but just to make sure you know - creatine isn't a form of protein powder.

If you knew that and I read it wrong, do a search on the forum for creatine. there's a lot of information here.

I was under that assumption. Thanks for pointing that out, and now I'll have to satisfy my curiosity by doing a search.
mreik, you talk like a business admin management major... am I right?

No. He just loves big words. ;)
My favorites-Syntha6 (preferably strawberry) and Prolab (their oatmeal cinnamon is freakin' fantastic).

I think MetRX's whey is cheaper than ONs right now and they taste similar.
No. He just loves big words. ;)
My favorites-Syntha6 (preferably strawberry) and Prolab (their oatmeal cinnamon is freakin' fantastic).

I think MetRX's whey is cheaper than ONs right now and they taste similar.
ON is like $24 at GNC and $19 at my gym. Dunno how much MetRX is.
and it will never taste the same again... muahahaha!