He's not the only one saying it. Have you ever seen a comparison of the wages and benefits package of a company such as Toyota vs. GM? It doesn't look that bad until you consider retirement. It's pretty insane. GM is losing money left and right while Toyota is making a profit. GM's workforce is sucking up so much money that they are paying out more money than they're taking in, then they strike because they want GM to guarantee that they will keep the plants in America. Why the hell would GM want to do that with this situation? It's one thing to be pro-American... as long as you don't go bankrupt in the process.
For those of you who haven't worked directly in a union shop... you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Seriously. A liberal reading the liberal based media thinks it sounds great but in real life alot of it is a crock of shit. I like the idea actually, but unfortunately reality isn't quite so peachy keen, which is what alot of people don't realize.
A completely rational point that will never fly on this website or with general America. People get way to emotional about this subject. The same people who have never worked in a union and have no clue what its like. The same people that seem to think that a burger flipper, mail carrier or even auto worker is in the same realm as somebody who has a specialized education.
Its embarrassing that the majority of this country wants to feel sorry for everybody. If you didn't attempt to put anything into life and settled for the standard $10 an hour job, middle America supports you. Not only do they support you, they want your wage and job security to bankrupt the company you work for.
Everyone always brings up that illegal immigrants do the jobs that American's don't. I couldn't disagree anymore, if the average salary wasn't so inflated, a percentage of the population would be forced to work in those job fields.
Why is it so "mean" that some people, who didn't choose to educate themselves or even take certain opportunites, are stuck in shitty jobs. Why does every member of our society need upper middle class pay on top of job security?
There is always going to be poor people, even in the best country in the world. There is also always going to be terrible jobs that people are forced to work.
Its like talking to the wall if you guys can't see the difference between someone educating themselves in a special field and an unskilled laborer walking into a assembly plant off of the street. Why should the unskilled laborer get paid on par with the person who got an education and was motivated enough to move up in life?
PS: I didn't realize that it was acceptable to bankrupt our economy in an attempt to keep companies in check.
How about this? If you want to keep your job, produce results. If you want a promotion, work harder then the next guy. Don't get all huffy when your supervisor asks you to do something and please don't cite "Seniority" to avoid specific tasks.
If a company is losing money, then you can't expect a wage increase every few months. If a company is losing money, closing plants and has lost its market share then don't strike along with 70,000 other workers just to make things worse.