Workout Diary


11:00 PM

Standing Bicep Curl
1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 60 x 12. Medium, could have done 13
3rd set: 65 x 10. Medium-Hard
4th set: 70 x 8. Hard. Had to pause on last rep for rest.
5th set: 70 x 6. Hard.
6th set: 75 x 4. Medium

Went to weight room

n02 before workout

Box Squats
1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 95 x 5.
3rd set: 185 x 8. Medium
4th set: 225 x 4. Failed on 5.
5th set: 205 x 8. Hard but completed.

1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 135 x 5.
3rd set: 205 x 8. Medium
4th set: 225 x 8. Medium
5th set: 225 x 8. Hard

Dumbbell Farmer Walks
1st set: 35 x 1 trip
2nd set: 45 x 1 trip
3rd set: 20 x 1 trip

Lower back and groin muscles in extreme soreness. Traps tired

Rest Day

Alll of lower back VERY sore.
Glutes sore.
Traps sore.
Quads are very little sore.
Upper Lat area little sore.
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Bench Press
1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 95 x 3.
3rd set: 115 x 3.
4th set: 135 x 6. Medium
5th set: 145 x 4. Medium
6th set: 155 x 2. Medium-Hard
7th set: 165 x 1. Hard, failed.

Floor Press R/L
1st set: 43.2 x 5. Easy on right, medium on left.

Overhead Tricep Extension
1st set: 45 x 10. Medium-Easy
2nd set: 55 x 10. Medium
3rd set: 60 x 8. Hard, failed
4th set: 55 x 10. Medium-Hard
5th set: 55 x 10. Medium-Hard
6th set: 55 x 10. Medium-Hard
Triceps feel dead.

Tricep Pushdown
1st set: 40 x 10. MEdium
2nd set: 50 x 10. Hard. 8,9,10 reps could not complete.

Front Plate Raise
1st set: 35 x 10. Medium-Hard
2nd set: 35 x 10. Hard
3rd set: 35 x Hard

One Arm Press R/L
1st set: 33.2 x 15. Medium
2nd set: 33.2 x 15. Medium-East, Medium on Left
3rd set: 33.2 15. Medium
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Back from 4 day rest


Good Mornings - 3 x 15
1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 70 x 5.
3rd set: 95 x 15. Easy
4th set: 95 x 15. Medium-Easy
5th set: 100 x 15. Medium-Easy.

Medium Grip Lat-Pulldown - 3 x 10
1st set: 100 x 10. Medium
2nd set: 120 x 10. Could not complete last 3 reps with good form
3rd set: 110 x 10. Could not complete last 2 reps with good form.

Low cable Rows - 3 x 10
1st set: 100 x 10. Easy
2nd set: 120 x 10. Hard, too hard.
3rd set: 110 x 10. Hard, barely completed if even with good form.

Shall do DB Farmer Walks supersetted with shrugs, and biceps later.

General Back and erector sore when bending over. 7/6 back workout a success.

However, I didn't do my DB Farmer Walks and Biceps so I will do them this morning.

12:40 Biceps

Concentrate Dumbbell Curls R/L
1st set: 28.2 x 10. Easy on right, Medium-Easy on left
2nd set: 28.2 x 10. Medium-Easy on right, Medium on left
3rd set: 28.2 x 10. Medium on right, Hard on left
4th set: 33.2 x F. Completed 11 on right, completed 7 on left.

Standing Barbell Bicep Curls
1st set: 55 x 10. Failed on last rep.

2 hours of soccer in morning.

Legs feeling sore.

at 7:00 PM.

Bench Press - 10 set method. Up start to 105 next workout.
1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 45 x 5. Wide grip
3rd set: 45 x 5. Close grip
4th set: 95 x 5.
5ht set: 100 x 9.
6th set: 105 x 8.
7th set: 110 x 7.
8th set: 115 x 6.
9th set: 120 x 5.
10th set: 125 x 4.
11th set: 130 x 3.
12th set: 135 x 2.
13th set: 140 x 1.
14th set (failure sets from here on out): 145 x 1.
15th set: 150 x 1.
16th set: 155 x 1.
17th set: 160 x 1. Almost failed.
Would have faield 165, so ended.

Overhead Tricep Extension (Straight Bar)
1st set: 45 x 10.
2nd set: 55 x 10.
3rd set: 60 x 10.
4th set: 60 x 10.
5th set: 55 x 10. Feeling pain in triceps
6th set: 55 x 10. Triceps hurt

Arnold Press - Up to 38.2 next workout for second set.
1st set: 33.2 x 10. Medium-Hard
2nd set: 33.2 x 10. Medium
3rd set: 33.2 x 10. Last 2 reps were hard.

One Arm Press R/L
1st set: 33.2 x 15.

Jumped in pool after workout and sat in hot tub for about 10 minutes.
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10:45 workout

Box Squats - 5 x 7 - Get 2 more sets of 200 instead of 195 next workout.
1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 135 x 3.
3rd set: 170 x 3.
4th set: 200 x 7. Medium
5th set: 200 x 7. Hard.
6th set: 195 x 7. Medium
7th set: 195 x 7. Medium-Hard
8th set: 195 x 7. Medium-Hard

SLDL - 3 x 5
1st set: 45 x 10
2nd set: 145 x 3.
3rd set: 225 x 5. Medium-Hard
4th set: 225 x 5. Hard
5th set: 225 x 5. Hard.

Dumbbell Side Bends R/L - 3 x 10 - Up weight to 3 x 10 @ 93.2 lbs.
1st set: 78.2 x 10. Medium
2nd set: 83.2 x 10. Medium
3rd set: 88.2 x 10. Medium

Ab Pull-Downs - 5 x 10. Try 100 next workout.
1st set: 80 x 10. Medium-Easy
2nd set: 90 x 10. Medium
3rd set: 90 x 11. Medium-Hard
4th set: 90 x 10. Medium-Hard
5th set: 90 x 10. Medium-Hard

Straight-Leg Raises - Ab Superset
1st set: BW x 20.

2 minute stretching.
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3:00 workout.

Bench Press
1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 95 x 3.
3rd set: 135 x 2.
4th set: 105 x 10.
5th set: 115 x 8.
6th set: 125 x 6.
7th set: 130 x 5.
8th set: 135 x 4.
9th set: 145 x 2.
10th set: 155 x 1.
11th set: 160 x 1. FAILED.

at 11:00 PM.

Dumbbell Bench Press
1st set: 33.2 x 8. Easy.

Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension - 4 x 8. Next workout use 33.3 lbs.
1st set: 28.2 x 8.
2nd set: 28.2 x 8.
3rd set: 28.2 x 8.
4th set: 28.2 x 8.

Dumbbell Side Raises - 3 x 10. Next workout use 23.2 lbs for 2nd and 3rd set.
1st set: 18.2 x 10.
2nd set: 18.2 x 10.
3rd set: 23.2 x 10.
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Lat-pulldown - Next workout make first set 110 instead of 100.
1st set: 50 x 5.
2nd set: 70 x 3.
3rd set: 100 x 10.
4th set: 110 x 10.
5th set: 110 x 10.

Low cable row - Next workout last set at 120 instead of 110.
1st set: 110 x 10.
2nd set: 120 x 10.
3rd set: 110 x 10.

Box Squats - 5 x 7. Next workout first 2 sets at 205 lbs.
1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 135 x 5.
3rd set: 170 x 3.
4th set: 200 x 7.
5th set: 200 x 7.
6th set: 200 x 7.
7th set: 200 x 7.
8th set: 200 x 7.

Dumbbell Farmer's Walk - Next workout use 38.2 lb dumbbells.
1st set: 33.2 x 1 trip.
2nd set: 33.2 x 1 trip.
3rd set: 33.2 x 1 trip.
4th set: 33.2 x 1 trip.

Leg Curls
1st set: 30 x 9. Right leg only, left sore for some reason.

1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 135 x 5.
3rd set: 185 x 8.
4th set: 185 x 8.
5th set: 185 x 8.

Leg Extensions (Supersetting Squats with quad isolation)
1st set: 110 x 1.
2nd set: 100 x 8.

6:00 finished workout with protein shake.

Will do biceps and abs later at around 8.

Biceps and Abs

Barbell Bicep Curl - Make 6th set at 85 lbs, and last set at 70 lbs..
1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 65 x 12.
3rd set: 70 x 10.
4th set: 75 x 8.
5th set: 80 x 6.
6th set: 80 x 4.
7th set (Until Failure): 65 x 10.

Dumbbell Sit-Ups
1st set: 83.2 x 10. Easy

Ab Pull-downs
1st set: 90 x 10
2nd set: 100 x 10. Very hard.
3rd set: 90 x 10.
4th set: 90 x 10.


Barbell Incline Press - 4 x 10. Next workout use same weights
1st set: 45 x 5.
2nd set: 65 x 7.
3rd set: 105 x 10.
4th set: 105 x 10.
5th set: 105 x 10.
6th set: 105 x 10. Failed on 10th rep.

Bodyweight Dips - 3 x 8.
1st set: BW x 8.
2nd set: BW x 8.
3rd set: BW x 9. (Failed on 10th rep)

Dumbell Shoulder Press - 4 x 10. 33.2 lbs for all sets until failure.
1st set: 33.2 x 6. Failed on 7th rep
2nd set: 23.2 x 10.
3rd set: 28.2 x 10.
4th set: 28.2 x 10.

Tricep Pushdowns - 3 x 10. All sets at 50 lbs next workout.
1st set: 50 x 9. Failed on 9th rep.
2nd set: 40 x 10. Medium-Easy
3rd set: 50 x 10. Stalled on last rep

Dumbell Decline Press
1st set: 33.2 x 10. Easy

Barbell Decline Press
1st set: 115 x 7. Failed on 7.

Went to Connecticut all day so absolutely no time to work out. However I did a little soccer while I was there.