Working 2 Muscles a day

M- W- F
3 x 5 - 3 x 8- 3 x 10

Vert. Push
Vert. Pull
Hor. Push
Hor. Pull
Quad Dom.
Hip Dom.
Core bridge or plank.
(Basically MH Power training) I suggest you pick up that book. It will help you a lot.
M- W- F
3 x 5 - 3 x 8- 3 x 10

Vert. Push
Vert. Pull
Hor. Push
Hor. Pull
Quad Dom.
Hip Dom.
Core bridge or plank.
(Basically MH Power training) I suggest you pick up that book. It will help you a lot.
So Monday, Wednesday and Friday and each number matches with the exercise?