Wordle and/or other word games.

Wordle 523 3/6


Should've got that in two today...
*whew*... too close.. :)

looking at it again, not so close...
i just happened to pick every other first letter (that made a valid 5 letter word) before i got it right...!

Wordle 523 5/6


should have thought about the day... Thanksgiving..!
now i'm thinking about a Christmas word... CAROL?

Wordle 11.23.22.jpg
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Wordle 524 4/6


Good word though. I like the ones where I have to figure out the structure rather than having twelve options all just one letter apart so it's pure guesswork. Although I suppose that always depends on which words I start with.
Wordle 524 4/6


thought i picked up on a theme... two days ago DRIVE... yesterday... FEAST.
i had to give it a shot... :)

Wordle 11.24.22.jpg
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My brain doesn't feel so frazzled this morning, so here goes.....
Wowsers! I used a totally different start word this morning, put a second word, and deleted it when I found a more common word & then BOOM!
Wordle 525 2/6
Wordle 525 3/6


i've been reevaluating the importance of a "good" first word. when i think about it, for a single 5 letter word it seems that choosing the most commonly used letters may be even less effective than choosing words that eliminate letters.

Wordle 11.25.22.jpg
when i think about it, for a single 5 letter word it seems that choosing the most commonly used letters may be even less effective than choosing words that eliminate letters.
But you do both simultaneously, don't you?

Either way I didn't get it today;

Wordle 526 X/6

Wordle 528 5/6


Literally tried every single possible position for the two letters I found on my first try :D
Wordle 528 3/6


Wordle 11.28.22.jpg