Wordle and/or other word games.

Wordle 370 4/6
I messed up again. On my 3rd try, I forgot to put the only letter I had in the right place back in its proper place! :svengo:
This was the first time I had all 5 letters correct but in the wrong places. It was bizarre.
371 - Got it in 5. Didn’t make any errors along the way but there were more words that would fit than usual.
Wordle 372 3/6


Repeated a letter in the wrong place on the second try but wouldn't have got it earlier otherwise anyway πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
4 is my average I think.
You would think that getting the 1st 2 letters in the right place 1st try would make it easy. Wrong! :svengo:
Wordle 373 5/6

Wordle 375 5/6

The last two I was just trying out letter combinations that sounded like words and seeing if they would be in the list...
Wordle 377 3/6


Same. At least not an independent one. I just couldn't think of anything else that would fit the information I already had.
I got it in 5. It was a guess. I have heard of the beans though.