Women and their Boyfriends

here's a question... how exactly do you go about performing that if you don't have to go? I don't know about you but I can't pull that kind of thing off on demand... do you do it when you get the sudden urge to go or do you hold it in and save it for the special moment?
lol i cant wait till my husband comes home from work... so hunny what did you do today... I talked about brown and amber on my weight loss forum today... whats that you ask?... you know when a boy and a girl really like eachother...
well you know i try, but it mostly just runs in the family... unfourtuately not in my husbands... sometimes i just a half hearted laugh and weird looks but I'm okay with that :D
Let me just say that this thread is farrrrrrrrrrr more interesting than anything that has come out of my coworkers mouth, k :p

And also - I work at a Law Firm too.
Let me just say that this thread is farrrrrrrrrrr more interesting than anything that has come out of my coworkers mouth, k :p

And also - I work at a Law Firm too.

Aren't lawfirms great? :D

OK, your post worked. You have successfully convinced me to Dominate you :p

Merry Xmas :biggrinjester:
Wow I missed this one too, where the hell was I?

All the usual suspects are here - Curvie, I love muscle.... But Mother of 2? Hmm, more to this woman than meets ths eye...
and just think... how unfourtunate it would have been had you not come across this thread... oh the knowledge you'd have missed out on :p
well, you know... you don't want to give it all away at once :p...

That's always been my problem :p