Women and their Boyfriends


New member
Why do you talk about them to us at work? To torture us? To make us miserable or just to get our feedback? Please stop , we don't care what they got you for XMas. BF's are not facinating. Only talk to us about your girlfriends and whether they are single and when they are available. :seeya:

I just recently acquired a boyfriend and have no idea how to act. I'm terrified of relationship pitfalls, like quarreling and hurt feelings--been single for almost a year so it's difficult to adjust...
I can't tell people at work what my BF got me for Xmas because that would just be too kinky ... so I just keep my mouth shut :p

Seriously, I must work in the twilight zone because nobody talks about what anybody bought them for Xmas. But I work in a lawfirm. Talking about gifts is verboten. It cuts into billable hours :D
Yes they are. If the amount of porn use in our firm is any indication ... we don't block any websites at our firm and our IT department has lots of stories about the types of websites being hit by the male lawyers ...

A friend of mine was a Dominatrix and she said judges and lawyers comprised 90% of her clientele. Presidents, CEOs, CFOs ... the more power they have in their job, the less they want in the bedroom.
lol If you had to be so serious in a business suit all the time you would need to unleash sometimes too :p
But i also must admit, trying to be a perfect housewife and mother tends to make you want to be a bad girl when no ones looking :newangel:
oh i'm sorry Carthonn, was this the kind of tourture you were talking about? :reddevil:
the more power they have in their job, the less they want in the bedroom.

Yes, one of my acquaintances admitted to me that a high profile Detective enjoyed "#2" in his mouth--and she DID IT to him! WOW that is hardcore.....I start to lose the idea of where sex is involved, but anyway, she said it made him sprung and he wouldn't stop calling her. She said, "he was such a TOOL." LOL!
interesting... now thats something I don't think i'll ever understand... and I don't think i care to... I think i deal with enough of other peoples shit in one day thank you :p
Yes, one of my acquaintances admitted to me that a high profile Detective enjoyed "#2" in his mouth--and she DID IT to him! WOW that is hardcore.....I start to lose the idea of where sex is involved, but anyway, she said it made him sprung and he wouldn't stop calling her. She said, "he was such a TOOL." LOL!

Yeah. Brown and Amber (as it's referred to in Germany because they often go together). Some people really get off on it.
I bet this is exactly where Carthonn was expecting this thread to go... after this, he may be more willing to hear what the ladies at work have to yap about lol
HAHA--people who put out negative vibes get some WEIRD SHIT BACK, but that was NOT my intention, whoops! I just go off on trains of thought, is all :eek:
Just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean it isn't somebody else's cup of tea. That's the beauty of the variations of the sexual realm.

Generally speaking, I find North Americans to be quite sexually sheltered. Living in Europe gave me a whole new point of reference. They are far more open-minded. Sex and its plethora of variations is not considered to be that big of a deal. You see all kinds of things and eventually you become inured to it. It's all part and parcel of the human condition.
oh i have nothing against differnt sexual interests... what ever floats your boat is good with me :) Exacept if i was having sex with someone and they suddenly tried to take a dump in my mouth, that might put a damper on things... thats just about the only thing I don't think i would go for... definately not MY cup of tea lol...
Absolutely. Passing judgment isn't always the best way to deal with what some people engage in behind closed doors. It's their life and their body, and they have just as much right to be sexually satisfied as the vanillas do :)

Being bisexual definitely has a social stigma to it, and I've been misjudged by people ever since coming out when I was 21. The stereotypes do get tiresome.
oh i have nothing against differnt sexual interests... what ever floats your boat is good with me :) Exacept if i was having sex with someone and they suddenly tried to take a dump in my mouth, that might put a damper on things... thats just about the only thing I don't think i would go for... definately not MY cup of tea lol...

Oh shit, yeah. That isn't my cup of tea, either. It would most definitely ruin the moment :D