Why the Internet Hates Me

I don't know if I'm going to be on this site much longer with Sara and LV tramping around together...it just hurts too bad.
Awww, CCR , you know you're one of my faves! Can't you just *feel* the love

LeiYunFat said:
Moonbeam you're such a loser for sporting that avatar after this last weekend!

Gotta stick with my team win or lose! But yeah, damn that Tom Brady and his group of minions!
Hey moonbeam, your avatar reminds me of a joke my papaw said one time...

A man walks into a bar with a little dog,
and sits down at the bar to watch the Cowboys game.
After a while, the Cowboys intercept the ball...
when they do, the little dog jumps on the bar and does a dance.
Amazed, the bartender says, "Wow, that's great! What's he do when the Cowboys make a touchdown?!"
The man replies, "How should I know? I've only had him 3 years!"

okok, corny joke...but I think it's cute.
Ha. I remember that one from the Quincy Carter era. It hurt at the time, but couldn't have been more true.