Why did you chose your forum name/avatar?

There are some cool forum names on here like 'flyin free' and some strange ones too. Can you share their significance with us? For example where the heck did you get 'yassinator' from? Or, why 'calcium'? Are you a milk fanatic? Mine was a poor choice in retrospect, because it's not very anonymous where I live(there are probably only 2 Phil's in town). Also avatars, like CCR's old one, what was that thing?
Streamline can mean thin and slender and i just like the way it sounds. If you were to relate to bodytypes, a mixture of mesomorph and ectomorph would fit it perfectly. I'm mostly meso but i have absolutely no ecto in me so it doesn't exactly describe me...I'm not sure how that explains why i chose it as a name lol. My avatar pic is simple...It's me, although it's in need of an update.
"Lei Yun Fat" is a phonetically-spelled version of my Chinese name. I just thought it was cool, since here I already had a name that I never really got to use in everyday life. Unlike a lot of Asians who are legally named their phonetic Asian names, my family (those born in America) all have legal English names. Their Chinese names are secondary and therefore rarely see the light of day.

My avatar is Starman from the DC comic, Justice Society of America. I just thought he looked cool.
Also avatars, like CCR's old one, what was that thing?

It's a 4D cube, it's supposed to move but it doesn't work on this site. It is meant to be a representation of the 4th dimension.

As for my name, I can't quite remember what it means, I didn't plan on sticking around on the site so I just picked a crappy name quicky so I could post a couple of questions. Aren't you all glad I stuck around though:rolleyes:
Isnt it weird how theres like 400million aus,uk,usa combined and theres a select few who regularly post here, out of all those people your one one of them :eek:
I used to be an anime geek sorta. I watched alot of DBZ and DBGT in my day, and my nickname was Kakarot or Kakarotto, whom is the main character.
Though everyone on forums and such just called me kaka for short. Then one day a dude just decided to call me "karky" for short, even though it's not that similar. His reason was "its cute". I later found he was bi :p

The avatar is just my back, i thought it was cool and its something alot of people use on training forums.
The avatar is just my back, i thought it was cool and its something alot of people use on training forums.

I still think you in your goofy hat was the best, you should dig that out and do some before and after photos wearing it
I can't find the hat :( It wasn't even mine to begin with; I stole it from a friend. :p

(Did I use semicolon correctly there, Evo?)
I think that was perfect use

I think Evo should give out rep for good grammer just like my kindergarden teacher gave us gold stars :)
One question though: Does smilies work as punctation? Or would you have to put a period after the smiley if it's at the end of a sentence? :p
Everyone always thinks that my name is Mark, which it's not. :D Either that, or it sounds like a dedication phrase, "Mark my words, I will accomplish yada yada" and that is cool, but that really isn't where it came from either.

I love cars, working on them, driving them fast, breaking them, hehe, and I have owned a Lincoln Mark VII for many years. I belong to a forum with a ton of Lincoln enthusiasts, and there are some cool names over there incorporating Mark, from Mark VII. One of them was MarkMyWords, so I sort of borrowed it from him to use over here. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. :D
DEF = my initials. The avatar is something I dug up a long time ago - don't remember why - from some Google image search I did. It's on my harddrive, so i use it as a default pic, usually.

As for smilies as punctuation. In email where the smiley doesn't form into a ball and just stays in its semicolon/parentheses state, I use them as punctuation. Put a period after it and it ruins your smiley! Here, I think grammatically speaking it doesn't matter - at least until the grammar police catch up with emoticon usage and put out a book or something.
One question though: Does smilies work as punctation? Or would you have to put a period after the smiley if it's at the end of a sentence? :p

Does is used with singular. Do is used with plural (usually). On some of this stuff, if you'll read it out loud, you will hear how it is used correctly. So, if you say "does smiles" and then "do smiles" you can hear the difference.

p.s. The semi colon usage was correct.
One question though: Does smilies work as punctation? Or would you have to put a period after the smiley if it's at the end of a sentence? :p

Rule of thumb-if your English professor wouldn't accept it as punctuation, then don't use it as punctuation.

I do believe that both instant messengers and the internet has caused a dumbing down of correct grammar usage and spelling. The attitude is generally "it's the internet, who cares about grammar and spelling?" Of course, I see papers turned in by my students that resembles something akin to a forum/IM discussion.

I'm okay with a bit of lax and slurring of spelling and grammar in less-than-formal situations. But I also believe you represent yourself in what comes out on paper/keyboard.

Granted I slip sometimes but I think this is due to my intentional disregard in keeping up with all the grammatical rules I learned since graduation. I promised myself I'd take some time off from educational purposes after graduation. However, I will be going back to school next year to persue my masters in either education or English. At that point I'll need to brush up on everything again. I intentionally kept all things related to my English classes; after all, brushing up is so much easier than learning all over again.

I think my worst habit is my use of ellipses (...). It drove my novel writing professor up the wall. Okay...I've rambled enough now.