Who would you most likely hang out with outside of "Fitness.com"??

No offense to anyone not listed.

Serious workouts of throwing crap and dragging stuff with Typhon, Evo, Georgen, Lei, Karky, and NBS. Then we would proceed to drink beer and eat 34 pizzas.

We should do that one day, it's about $500 for a flight to NY from London

Then the next year we could all fly to Norway to meet up with Karky. It'd be like Streetfighter, Mreik would be Blanco of course
So then whos Jean Claude Van Damme?
I will be Jean Claude, Hey if you all come here I have some sweet rainbow coloured hammocks.


It's hard to tell because some your online personalities might not be the same as your actual personalities. I think i'd get along better with some of the more genuine members like Tony, Evo, NBS, Jman and LV...etc.
It's hard to tell because some your online personalities might not be the same as your actual personalities. I think i'd get along better with some of the more genuine members like Tony, Evo, NBS, Jman and LV...etc.

Just admit it Streamline you don't like the rest of us :) where all genuine cept chillen lol, Nah your genuine chillen....just weird.
Id get along with people who simply arent what i call 'boring'.

Iv got a few names in mind who id prefer to hang about with. I will state them later ;)