who loves Classical?

Amen dude. Lil Wayne really boils my blood haha. It's so annoying because I live in the south and you see red necks(well, we have 'pretend rednecks' in my school) blaring lil wayne out of their lifted trucks. I think that's pretty ironic.

I can't stand Lil Wayne. Don't know why Kevin Rudolf even bothered with him on his new song. It's much better without LW's whiny, screechy, vocals (if I can call it "vocals"). Sounds more like he's stuck in a tar pit ...
I wondered if Bartok was going to be mentioned. Can't agree with you there as he's one of my favorites. Who needs consonance and tonality anyhow?

Apparently I do :D

Some people like Bartok, some don't. I'm in the latter ;)
Fair enough - I realize he's a pretty acquired/esoteric taste. There's just something about his music that I tap into. It's somewhere between the notes, and hard to describe.

I think what it is with me is I require patterns and pleasing harmonics to my music. Bartok's works aren't like that, so it's upsets my OCD :D

It's impossible for me to appreciate his work because my brain doesn't accept it as a valid form of music. I have a very set paradigm for what I like and what I don't like in classical.
Esteban - The Gift of Guitar........my favorite infomercial.