Who is good at photoshop?

Oh great that you linked that :) I adjusted the DPI and I'm cleaning up the edges to try and make it look less weird. I've never had success getting rid of the black outline without distorting the image...I'm self taught so that's a bit beyond me but I'll see if I can come up with something you like. If not it's np if you don't want to use it.
This is going to take a bit because I'm zoomed in at pixel level and cleaning up edges. I'll repost as soon as I'm done
I finished cleaning up around all the edging and painted the white back in. Then changed the dpi to 300 like it asked for. Does it look less weird now? I think I've been looking at it too long to tell, lol.
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Ok fixed. When I changed the dpi your logo on the bottom didn't seem as dark...hope it still shows up ok.
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The window this is going on is tinted pretty darkly. With that in mind, I doubt the black background would show up against the tint. Wouldn't you agree?
I do...wait though don't use either of those. When I saved it somehow there are now white dots where there shouldn't be...I think because of the anti alias ;/. I'm taking THOSE off then gonna save as a png file to see if it gets rid of them.
So the one before the one with black background behind the lettering is good?

Also, you do think the black will show up? Maybe I'll order two and see which I like better... they're relatively cheap.
I don't think the black will really show...I only put it on there because I was afraid the white wouldn't. But since your windows are tinted then no prob :) And I keep seeing mistakes so I'm linking a final one. Since this is going on your car I don't want you driving around looking stupid cuz of me, lol.
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I put a colored background behind it temporarily and first saw a black dot, then a white one that would have really showed on your windshield, lol. Here's ONE more where I did the writing over so it's not so distorted. It's pure white though with no outline but on your window it probably won't matter. And then I gotta stop myself or I'll just keep going, lol. So on these last two just see which you like best but I think the writing on the last one is much clearer.
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Oh also a .png file would probably have been clearer but for some reason the forum and image shack saw it as bigger and wouldn't take it ;/
I ordered one today... won't be here for a week or so. I just did one to be safe... I'll keep ya posted.
I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'm worried about what's gonna show up that I didn't catch considering this is decent size, lol.