Weight-Loss which is worse Healthwise?

Regarding the issue of the dangers of "Red" meat, which is worse, a lean piece of grilled Beef or a piece of chicken or pork of equal size cooked stewed or fried?
they say the japanese people are the healthiest and live the longest. what do they eat?
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i was watching a commentary on Cn8 the other day and they mentioned the japanese also consumed a lot of seaweed? also they said they smoked just just as much if not more than americans but because of their DIETS lived longer and had less heart attacks and strokes.
I simply can't imagine anyone eating "seaweed":confused: , raw fish I can understand but seaweed, even cooked? Well, if it's one thing the Japanese are known for it's their discipline. By the way Wonderwoman, I noticed on your post that you are located in Pennsylvania, I am in NY and I am thinking of moving to Connecticut but would like to speak to someone who lives there to ask some questions and get some ideas on certain things, seeing that you are a moderator on this forum, do you know of anyone belonging to this forum who lives in CT? Please excuse my moving off-topic here, thanks.
mike - have you ever had sushi? the dark green outer wrap, or the nori, is seaweed... and it tastes great! it's kind of like spinach - only a bit more solid and a little rubbery..
No, I have never tried or even seen the Sushi dish but this explains to me now why/how the Japanese folks consume so much seaweed, I had thought after reading wonderwoman's post on seaweed that they ate this separately. I eat fish at least 3 days per week now since it came recommended for me in the "Real Age" program and I think I will stick with that instead of purposely consuming seaweed, thanks:)

I think that to answer your first question, eating the lean beef would be healthier than eating fried chicken... just the fat alone is what you really are worrying about - they probably will have similiar calories, but you will have more fat calories with the fried food.

I grew up on red meat, b/c i lived on a farm, and it's not that horrible for you - white meat is of course better, and fish can be the best, but if you have red meat every now and then it wont' kill you.
amomono said:
b/c i lived on a farm.

Aren't you lucky? I too spent had spent a lot of time on my Grandfather's Estate as a child, was totally sorry when he sold it to move to the city, now as an adult I can never figure out why anyone in their right minds would trade a farm for the city?:confused:
I can't either... well, i live in a city now... but only while i'm in school - i'm moving back to either a small town or a farm and hope to live there the rest of my days =) Our farm is fairly close to a city however, so I kind of get the best of both worlds....
amomono said:
i'm moving back to either a small town or a farm and hope to live there the rest of my days =) Our farm is fairly close to a city however, so I kind of get the best of both worlds....

Some guys have all the luck!! I am very happy for you, believe it, just wish it was me!:) I am fed up of the city life and is the reason why we are thinking of moving to Connecticut, I have already told my 17 year old that it would please me very much if he can invest in a farm and I'll run it and maintain it "free of charge" for him in exchange for room and board, he just laughs but I think he is like me, he is not the fancy type, likes the simple things in life that a lot of people take for granted, I know this becuase I got into "fishing" becuase of him and he loves camping and being near the water e.t.c. so HOPEFULLY we can all chip in an get a farm or farmhouse later on down the road and get to enjoy the country life, you are already set so at least one of use is getting our way, good for you!!!
let me get back to you on that mike. we have a lot of members and some might be from ct but not sure if they are regular posters or not.
Appreciate it Wonderwoman, I forgot to mention that I need to talk to someone who lives in the "Danbury" or East Putnam County vicinity in particular or who may know of those 2 areas in general, thanks.
i have searched and i have not seen anyone from CT that posts here. if you want you could put a post asking this question and maybe somebody will join and see it.
EVERYONE and every article I have ever read mentioned that you should keep away from Red meat if possible, I am always open to discussion and really do appreciate your post especially since "Beef" is my favorite meat and if I can find any "legitimate" info that will confirm 100% that eating red meat is healthy for you this would make me only too happy so I can go back to eating steaks on a regular basis again so PLEASE tell me more or provide any link that will substantiate your post, thanks.:)
Posted a question webmd and this was the response to my question asking if "Red" meat is healthy or not?

"No food is necessarily "bad" for you. Pork is advertized as the "other white meat" and it often has more fat, cholesterol and calories than many cuts of red meat. Chicken that is fried in animal fat is also high in calories, cholesterol and fat.

It's not the "red meat" that's the problem; it's the fat that's marbled through the cut that provides the calories, fat and cholesterol. For example, a portion of high fat (high price/tender) T-bone steak has twice the calories and fat than a the same size of round steak (less fat, cheaper, not as tender).

Besides being an excellent source of protein, red meat also provides an excellent source of iron.

Sorry the answer isn't as "cut and dried" as you like it but nutrition typically isn't. "

So that's the story so far guys, what I would like to know is if a "lean" cut of Beef is just as healthy to eat as a piece of Baked chicken, anyone?
Hey Thanks!!