When do I start adding more?

I'm trying to get into shape (no particular reason as to why) and on Sunday I started by quitting smoking.

Monday I said I am going to go for a jog and I managed to get my friend to join me, we did about four miles which I thought was quite good to start off from.

The only exercise I do is play football on a Thursday for an hour. I weigh 15 stone and I would say that the majority of that is fat although I don't look it.

So back to where I was, we jogged four miles on Monday, we did the same route on Tuesday and again today but I started to feel it more on my calfs today. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

The plan is to go jogging Monday to Friday with football training thrown in on Thursday nights too.

What I need to know though is when do I start increasing the distance? Is it just when I feel I can do it or is it best I push myself?

Any tips would be appreciated.

when this starts to feel like its lost it challenge then do more.
budhicks1 said:
Always challege yourself but don't over do it. Do you goto the gym for weightlifting as well?

No I don't. Should I? I know doing jogging means I should build up my stamina and my legs would get stronger so I am neglecting my top half of the body.
Ya, you probably want to work your upper body as well. Even if you don't have access to free weights, you can do do body weight exercises like pushups, squats, lunges, calf raises, dips, pullups, etc. And if you are trying to lose fat and keep it off, working out will raise your metabolism, so you will consume more calories, making it easier to stay at the weight you want.
I shall take your advice on that and do so.

This may sound like quite a stupid question but what's the best way to relax my calfs after I have been out running?
I told you it was a stupid question. ;) I was just hoping there might be some tips to stop them from hurting after I have finished my jogging.

Also, I have started eating healthier, or at least I have tried too. Jacket Potatoes with Coleslaw. :D

Next week I am going to start doing the weights asgbpackerfan recommended. Is there anything else I should be looking to do?
Not stupid at all! You're doing stretches both before and after I hope. Here's a good link:
That will take care of stiffness but not muscle pain after a really tough workout of course.
I also recently quit smoking and got a cardiovascular check before proceeding with training. Probably a good idea. Fortunately my heart is strong.

Thanks bluetortilla. I do a few stretches before hand but I don't do any 'cool down stretches' are they important?

I'm trying to eat healthier too as having quit I smoking I seem to eat more. I'm trying a balanced diet which I hope will work. I'm eating things like Pasta, Jacket Potatoes and Fish.

I'm going again tonight which will be the last time I go this week. I'm resting on Saturday and I am playing football on Sunday morning so I shall do that instead of jogging.

I'm thinking of increasing it alittle next week. Maybe by half a mile, would that be beneficial or should I be increasing it by more?
If you are really going to do this thing right, nutrition is really important. Just exercising and eating will not be sufficient. Didn't realize it would be so complex did you? I have been exercising for years, I run and lift weights and what you eat is crucially important. One reason is that weight lifters and runners eat very differently. Carbs are what you need for fast energy to give you the energy you will need for the long runs; protein is what you need to rebuild muscles after a lifting session. You always need both but the percentage of each that you need depends on how much you are doing of each exercise. To ignore this is to work against yourself. If you lift frequently and do not eat enough protein you will not build muscle, but your body will feed on the muscle you have to get its protein. If you don't eat enough carbs and are running 25-40 miles a week the same thing will happen. I suggest you consult a sports nutritionist or trainer if you are really serious. It will cost a few pounds, but in the long run your body will thank you for it.
TimSmith said:
I do a few stretches before hand but I don't do any 'cool down stretches' are they important?

You could very well end up with severe cramping in either your calves or hams if you don't. I'm not saying it will happen, but it's possible, and cramps like those are no fun. :(

Also, I personally question all of this nutrition rocket science stuff. Protein builds muscle, carbs are fuel. That's simple but the basic truth. When I go out for a huge all day bike run, I eat tons of carbs (scattered throughout the day). Trick is, burn about what you intake. I go by my gut feeling and energy level. After any major exercise, whether aerobic or weight lifting, I eat tons of protein. Fat is not good so keep it to a minimum. Chicken and fish are great, and so are beans when eaten in combo with grains. Lean red meat is fine too. That's to build bulk, or, if you already have enough bulk, to give tone (if you're overweight simply get rid of the excess fat and convert the rest into muscle (fat is a last ditch fuel supply- we don't need much). In between, and extremely important, is that wonderful rainbow world of fruits and vegetables. Eat lots of veggies, and a wide variety. If your plate looks like an artist's pallet of color, you'll get all the little bullets you need in terms of vitamins and minerals.

I don't believe in supplements. I'm strong, I look good, and I have good endurance. I go up mountains on bicycles. The only supplement I've ever taken are sports drinks. I don't waste money on all that stuff, no offense to anyone here- maybe it works but I'm happy with my program.

Good luck and have fun! It feels great to get in shape. Humans weren't meant by nature to be couch potatoes- we were meant to be active physically and lithe.


I decided to add more today, only a mile and it wasn't much harder than what I have been doing so that's good.

Should I keep adding it now until I find it tough or should I continue to do what I do with the added mile for the week then increase it again next week?

Thank in advance
First of all, let me say that I am impressed that you are quitting smoking and can run 4 miles. I've never smoked a day in my life and at 2 1/2 miles, I call a taxi :)

For stretching the calves, I sit on the floor and pull back slowly on the ball of my foot. I then hold it for about 10-20 seconds and then release. It feels like you are tightening the muscle, but once you let go it'll be much better.

Great job so far!!
Proper Increases

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, cardiorespiratory fitness and improvements in the abliity of the heart to deliver oxygen to the working muscles results in increased endurance performance. Also, the greatest improvement in cardiovascular endurance occurs when exercise involves the use of large muscle groups over prolonged periods of time (running, in your case). Therefore, you are currently doing an exercise that will truely results in cardiovascular endurance in the long run. The proposed rate of progression in an certain exercise depends on many factors. For apparently healthy adults, which now that you've quit smoking, you seem to be, the endurance aspect of the exercise has three stages: initial, improvement and maintenance. You seem to have completed the initial phase, so the next phase is improvement. This stage usually lasts for 4 to 5 months, during which the intensity and duration are increased every 2 to 3 weeks until you are able to exercise at a moderate-to-vigorous intensity for 20 to 30 minutes continuously. With this said, you can see that adding more miles to your run is not the only way to increase endurance. Actually, by slightly increasing both intensity and duration, you will see faster, more signifigant results. Congratulations on nixing the smoking habit!!
Thanks guys. I thought quitting smoking was going to be the thing to let me down since I have tried to quit twice before only to start again, although this is the longest I have gone and obviously I have started jogging too and I never did that the previous two times. The more things that take my mind of it the better.

I find when I don't smoke I eat more which is why I have been trying my hardest to eat much more healthier. I've just been eating plenty of Jacket Potatoes and pasta to combat that since god didn't bless me with cooking skills. ;)

BrittnieM - You mention that there are three steps, initial, improvement and maintenance. With regards to the improvement step, should I be looking to improve it on a weekly basis? I've added an extra mile for this week since I think I am capable of it, I went for the run today and yes, I was right in thinking I could do it.

So next week should I add another half a mile or a mile depending on how I feel when I approach the end or just keep going until I really start to feel it?

Once again, thanks for your advice guys, it's a big help since I don't really understand much when it comes to getting fit.

I've decided that the best thing to do is aim for a competition next year, something to spur me on so I shall be looking to run a marathon of some sort next year, one step at a time I know but I have set that as my goal.

You might want to join the forum to stay off smokes. Helps me a lot anyway.

Then again, I KNOW I'll never smoke again. :D

Sounds like you're doing great.
adding more

The goal of the ACSM improvement stage is to provide a gradual increase in overall exercise stimulus. Since you have already began to increase your mileage, you are on the right track. This stage can typically last 4 to 8 months, so you don't need to increase substantially every week. However, if you feel that you are capable of increasing either intensity or duation or both, then listen to your body and try to increase at a gradual level. Be careful not to increase too much too fast or you may be more succeptible to injury or fatigue. Keep up the good work!
Ok...what exactly are Jacket Potatoes? I have the weirdest imagine in my head....