What's your most hated exercise?

i absolutely hate spinning/cycling. i don't know why; maybe those muscles are weak. also, i always feel like the most graceless thing in the water/swimming. strange since i'm a pisces! :eek:
I hate anything cardio. Like treadmills. I agree it bores me to tears! Because the only stuff at the Y is CNN or something and you can't even hear it. If I could lose all of my weight doing push-ups, sit ups, lifting weights ETC That would be GREAT! But I know I have to do as much Cardio too :p
2 yrs ago I went to a gym. I love doing cardio exercises except using rowing machine. i dont know how to breathe properly when using that machine.
Spinning.... ugh, my butt always hurts after it because of the small seat and the teacher acts like a nazi. HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT!!!! :p
Amunet said:
I also hate any exercise that involves flexibility. I have almost 0 flexibility so exercises that require a little bit or alot frustrate me to no end.

Uh-huh! I'll add the fitball to this. I hate the damn thing
running!! I can't stand it so i never do it. I prefer low impact exercises. Also gentle things like pilates and yoga, & the warm down at the end of the workout. It's all too slow and boring for me :p
Pushups because I am to week to do them.I can do a whole 2 lol
and thats military style not girly style