What's Your Dream Job?

a french cat burgler
Im sort of there, My dream job is to live in in hawaii on a beach own my own stilt house with a shaping shop downstairs. I would surf during the day and repair and shape custom boards whenever I wanted. I would be self suffucient living of the fat of the land. I would have my boy there and he could run around and play with all the other kids and my mrs could be happy with everything she wanted.

It would be zero stress no one judge and life would just cruise along. No worries.
Hey, I never got a chance to thank you all for playing along. Seems that there are few wannabe porn stars, some who want to be in the medical field, a writer, a stay at home hottie, professional eater, C.I.A. agent (aka: Bond Boy) and even a french cat burglar. LOL. Crazy ass mix guys!

Oh, a bunch of you all who are already doing your dream job. Interesting...very interesting. Well, I give you props for doing what you makes happy and pursuing your dream.

Anyway, I think my dream job, in addition to having my own super successful and famous dance company, is to be the first world famous talented female DJ - along the lines of DJ Shadow. I'll be sure to give props to my party peeps here in the forum when I'm on my world tour. :rolleyes:
I'd love to be paid to play video games.

I love all games.

Good games
Great games
Poor games
Fair games
****ty games

All of em!

And also i'd like to be a pro poker player.
Training the Norwegian womens.. "handball" team.
Sorry, I don't know what it is in English
Here's a pic so you know what I'm talking about:

Those are some strong, real women playing that game, it's very tough physically. Some of the girls are pretty good lookin' too :D
Training the Norwegian womens.. "handball" team.
Sorry, I don't know what it is in English
Here's a pic so you know what I'm talking about:

Those are some strong, real women playing that game, it's very tough physically. Some of the girls are pretty good lookin' too :D

Hand ball. lol!