What's your Carbon Footprint???

Seriously??? I have a hard time sleeping if it even approaches 80!

Wow, 80 is nice. That's about the average summer temperature here.

But on really hot days, we are able to keep the house a few degrees cooler by opening it up at night, letting the cool air in, and then keeping the doors closed all day. It keeps a lot of the heat out.
I grew up without air conditioning, so I hope to never really need it. It just seems wasteful to me, all those rooms nice and cool while I'm working, or just gone. The only room I would ever want with AC would be bedroom, and I can just use a window unit to sleep at night.

I don't believe CO2 causes the so-called global temperature change. I mean I believe our use of CO2 has some impact on a global scale, but I don't believe it is to a point where it'll be the ice cap melting or something. I think the earth changes naturally and we just happen to be at the point where the earth is changing.
Wow, 80 is nice. That's about the average summer temperature here.

But on really hot days, we are able to keep the house a few degrees cooler by opening it up at night, letting the cool air in, and then keeping the doors closed all day. It keeps a lot of the heat out.

Dont get me wrong, I enjoy being outside and running around when it's 80... i just have a really hard time sleeping when its that warm. I usually keep my place at 72 in the summer, 68 in the winter (when i'm away I turn off the AC or heat all together)
10.3 here. But I must say, that carbon footprint survey was simple to the point of idiocy. Like, why can't I actually put in how many MPG my car gets and how many miles I drive each year rather than saying less than 8000? I actually take the bus to work and only fill up my Corolla about once every three weeks or so. Sure, we have a single family house. But why can't specify things like the fact that we use CFL bulbs and don't use the A/C unless absolutely necessary? Why can't I just type in my kW-hr per month and natural gas usage per month? Basing one's carbon footprint off that survey is like deciding whether or not one is fat from BMI.
10.3 here. But I must say, that carbon footprint survey was simple to the point of idiocy.

Exactly why i'm not losing sleep over my 88.4.