Whats the best way to take care of facial skin?

Answers in red:

Why isn't there a 'tail between my legs smilie'? Lol

However, although trans fats and sat fats inhibit EFA metabolism I think it's wrong to associate fat intake with acne as you'd still need an EFA deficiency for it to have a negative effect on your skin and buy saying that fat can cause spots it's more likely to make people cut too much fat out of their diet than get them to eat the right balance.

Unless you explain in the first place that certain fats help your complexion while others hinder it.

Eating sat fats doesn't mean you're gonna have an EFA deficiency however cutting fat out of your diet might do. Not to mention the fact that us men need our fats for testosterone production

Actually yes, it may cause a deficiency. Just because you're consuming your optimum amounts of (for example) omega3s, if your body is unable to metabolize them correctly due to a large intake of saturated fats that would be the same thing as not consuming enough of the good fats at all. A deficiency can be caused by not getting a nutrient/fatty acid or by not having your body metabolize the nutrient/fatty acid well.

Maybe we should just agree that the balance needs to be right :)

Fair enough!

+rep for teaching me something new though :beerchug:

A rep to you for doing the research for me. It can be exhausting (although necessary) trying to find something online constantly to back up what you're saying.