What should I do with this relationship?

well, you don't have to listen to our advice. but you asked, so we gave.

but out of curiousity, i'd like to know what happened with this whole ordeal??
smoking sounds like it's a deal breaker for you... and since you mention religion that sounds like it's a problem too

Sounds like you're more in love with the fantasy of being in love than being in love with him.

but you're over 18 - move out of the house -get out on your own - you're old enough -be an adult... then do what you want without parental approval - it's your life and your relationship... so how important is parental approval?

i agree...definitely the fantasy thing more than anything i think...with real love you wouldn't give a flying monkey if someone smoked/was a different religion than you or was older.............

onlines r/ships can be very intense...more open with each other for a start...as not face to face...can be a really great thing but also means you may feel you know this person far more than you actually do. also you can't really know 100% whether your feelings will still be the same when you meet in person...after a yr of being smitten your expectations are going to be set REALLY high...........

ok just read more posts & noticed the 16yr age gap!!?
nooooo don't even think about it.............its not like you sound like you have much experience with men as it is............
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:grouphug:*Huddle* just have alot of phone sex


been there done that...but even that can get a bit weird...you men can't just enjoy the fun...you have to get all emotional LOL

ended up a bit of a nightmare...posted for a few mths on a forum/got to know each other/told him only wanted to be friends etc/but we did get on really well/so started talking on the phone/it was still just as friends to me...well friends with (phone sex) benefits...what can i say?? its been a while/i'm a woman...i have needs :)/some late night phone calls lead to quite...oh who am i kidding?? VERY naughty phone calls (but naughty in a good way ;))

he started going a bit nuts (technical term.....) seeing what/to whom i'd posted to on the forum...got a bit stalkerish...then when told him to stop it & to leave me alone...he started with the phoney suicide threats...how he'd got so used to talking to me/he thought we'd got so close etc...he started leaving answer messages too...not pleasant...so just ignored him...oh yeah & i told mutual friends on the forum what he'd been doing/saying so it was all out there in the open...he tried one more attempt at emotional blackmail...in a pm on the forum he said...thats it i'm going to do something right now...

(at this point i realised he was ever so slightly unbalanced & thought...bleedin hell why is my taste in men sooooo friggin off?? even with the ones i decide just to be friends with online...i'd already married someone from match.com...oh yeah i did...nearly 10 yrs ago now...& that turned into a very bad dream too....but thats on here somewhere in a dating thread so won't repeat that here.....)

when i didn't respond he pm'd me back about an hour later...obviously not dead then :rolleyes: but wanting to know why i didn't do anything when he could have been.........yeah...but you weren't were you?? he then went from love to hate in 10 seconds flat as only the unhinged can...calling me heartless...oh yeah & a user?? WTF??! for phone sex?? whatever...i got mine :newangel::newangel:!!
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