What is your job?

I see you have made it to my domain.....:action6:

Job? If I tell ya, I'm gonna have to whip you......LOL! :violent:

please do tell.
I dont really have a job just a range of things I do for money. Currently it is summer here so I am a full time lifeguard (patrol captain) at a busy beach, I am on call 24/7 365 days a year as a swimmer for the coast guard. I have my own small buisness repairing and shaping surfboards.

I also do handy man jobs round the area. I actually have a degree, one day I might even use it if I move into the city haha.

What happens if you get called in and you are out of country or something?
Ahh right. My bad. Sorry matey. Fair does and you still find time to work out. Its all good then :D

I've been doing just 30-40 min cardio sessions since all this overtime kicked in. Will be getting back to my weight routine once this potboiler of a project goes out next friday.
My job is 8-4:30, then it's straight to the gym which is not only free but located in the same building as my office....YES!
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i work 7:30 to 4:30 or 5 each day. Go home, change and go to the gym usually between 5:30 and 6 and then am home around 7 or 7:30.
Phew thought I was going to be the only one doing a long day then going to the gym and yet have a girl friend to see soon. Long story why soon. haha.
8:30am - 5-6pm, sometimes later. Then home where I've got weights in my garage. Not the best setup but it works. To me, a 9-5ish type job is easier to work an exercise routine into. When you're going to school full-time, working a part-time job, and doing homework, time is a precious commodity. Especially around finals.

My view is that if you're serious about lifting, you'll find the time.
What happens if you get called in and you are out of country or something?

If I am more than 30 minutes from the beach I have to phone in and let them know so a rookie can be put on call. If I left the country someone would be brought in to take my place while I was gone.
My workout time is 7 am - 9 am, and/or 1-3 pm. I rarely workout in the evening / night. Once in awhile, I would sneak in for a little cardio and sauna/pool to relax but it's rare.
If I am more than 30 minutes from the beach I have to phone in and let them know so a rookie can be put on call. If I left the country someone would be brought in to take my place while I was gone.

Surely that's abit of a pain knowing your on a leech all the time?

Or do you regularly not go far from the beach?
Surely that's abit of a pain knowing your on a leech all the time?

Or do you regularly not go far from the beach?

I live about 20 metres from the beach so yeah. Its only a text message if I want to bugger off for the day or something. Not really a leash because I never have a problem just leaving.
8:00-4:30 here, plenty of gym time, then home by 6:00-6:30. Plenty of time for all the sexin' you'll be giving your lady.

Good to know some people have their priorites straight. Here, here.