What is your job?

Hellooo. Just wondering what everyone does for a job because im a student at the moment and im finding alot of time to work out but im worried that next year when hopefully I start an aprenticeship in IT (repairing computers) I will find no time as I also have a girl friend. I will probably spend weekend with girlfriend so nights I could workout I surpose.
You can't work in an IT department if you have a girlfriend; it's the law
Haha. Ide love to wear suit man, lol. You really dont like IT do you? Lo.:action5:

Nah, IT people are cool, but I’m from a sales background and we’re mortal enemies.

We had our IT Development Manager interview someone once and the applicant wrote in a letter to say how insulted she was to have such a rude man with awful personal hygiene and no manners interview her in such an aggressive and dismissive manner giving her no feedback and just communicating via grunts and sighs. She said she would never want to work for a company that represents itself in such a way :)

But that could have described any of our developers really; awful dress sense, no girlfriends and a complete inability to communicate with other people unless speaking in Klingon or C++

They see us as idiots in shiny suits though :rofl:

The IT Vs Sales team war will never end
I'm a General Accountant for a small company...so I get lots of variety in the jobs I do. It's a growing company despite the times, so I feel secure and dig my co-workers, location, work, etc...
I dont really have a job just a range of things I do for money. Currently it is summer here so I am a full time lifeguard (patrol captain) at a busy beach, I am on call 24/7 365 days a year as a swimmer for the coast guard. I have my own small buisness repairing and shaping surfboards.

I also do handy man jobs round the area. I actually have a degree, one day I might even use it if I move into the city haha.
I work in a take away making pizza's etc..

Stuff I do to be able to afford the gym and a car in the future lol. Terrible place to work for someone healthy minded, but I don't eat any food from there now.
I work in a take away making pizza's etc..

Stuff I do to be able to afford the gym and a car in the future lol. Terrible place to work for someone healthy minded, but I don't eat any food from there now.

Bet you get sick of the food, lol. Wouldnt mind being a web designer from home when im abit older :) I guess ile be ok to work out when im in full time work :drooling1:
I'm a dietitian and work for the veterans administration teaching a weight loss/exercise class. I couldn't ask for a better job. The people I teach choose to be there. They want to lose weight and will usually do what you tell them. It's very rewarding seeing the majority of them being successful. For a dietitian, I couldn't have a better job. Unless of course I could be a dietitian for a pro or college sports team. That would be ultra cool!
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