What home-exercice you can do

Spinner: I hate gyms. Hate working out in front of people. I want to make our basement a workout zone at some point, right now it's our main TV/gaming area. Sucks that people have ruined your equipment in the past

I have accrued a lot of equipment over a long period and have half the gym in my garage and the other half in the kitchen!

The spinner bike has a small footprint so it can fit anywhere and a couple of dumbbells don't take up much room and it's a basis for any workout...weights and cardio.

But you do need other people in the home to be happy to give the gym some priority and make a little space!

I find having the right equipment keeps me motivated plus it's always in my face so I never get to forget about it!
Burpees are great if you don't have a lot of space or time. I've been doing p90x a d lost approximately 15 lbs.

Try wall squats- they are exhausting!
Jumping Jacks – These are always fun, as they bring back memories of being a kid! Who hasn’t done jumping jacks for fun as a child? Well, surprise – they are also great cardio exercises, and good for warming up, too.
I like dancing when doing chores. I also really like skipping and I sometimes do step aerobics without the step (the patterns are fun!). I have found many good body weight exercises on her and make up little routines. Running is my new favourite activity.
30 min. leg workout

My trainer friend turned me on to this workout that - if I keep my rests between sets under a minute - I can get done in 30-40 minutes. The first time I did it, I could barely walk down the stairs for a couple days. I skipped the rope exercise at the end as I don't really have the means for it. Hope this helps!
Push ups, sit ups, jogging on the spot the choice is yours but make sure you are sweating