Raw Rocks!
I am a proponent of the Cave Man Diet, or Paleolithic Diet. The theory is that we should eat what our body was designed to eat, or what we evolved to eat. Grains, bread, beans, beef, milk and processed junk have all been introduced in our recent history.
Agriculture vs Hunting/Gathering. The majority of our health problems have been traced to eating wrong. Everything from ADHD, depression, MS, MD, heart disease, cancer, you name it, are all caused by wrong food, and are healed by right food. (there's a ton of pollutants we are exposed to, but that's a different subject).
Eating cooked food has come so late in our development that we have not (yet) evolved, or quite adapted to digest it fully.
I eat everything raw: veggies, nuts, even steak, fish and chicken. It's the same concept as going overseas: eating the local fair and getting sick ... you don't have the same bacteria in your belly that the locals do.
I eat stuff everyday that would give you diarrhea. Those same bacteria are what boost my imune system. Humans have been eating rotting flesh since the beginning. Some bacteria is a good thing.
I drink a dozen raw eggs a day. I love 'em! Cooking alters the molecular structures of fat, carbs & proteins. I get the best assimilated proteins, natural, pure ... just the way God intended.
Fact: about 1 in every 30,000 eggs in the U.S. has Salmonella. That's a 0.00003 chance of getting it. The health benefits of raw WAY outwiegh the risk of getting Sal. And, if you do get that one bad egg, just don't eat it ... you can tell a bad egg by its smell and liquidity.
There's a TON of benefits to eating raw. There are sites that explain how the nutrients in a raw egg are far superior than a damaged cooked one. Google "paleolithic diet" "raw egg."
The FDA Food Triangle says we should eat mostly grains and like 55 gms of protein per day. The human body actually functions best with No grains, no beans, no milk, and with 318 grams of protein a day.
I've never had a problem bulking-up. Protein Powders? ... expensive processed junk made of milk. I drank milk my whole life. When I quit, I suddenly lost my hayfever and pet allergies. Come to find-out, it was milk and wheat that were making me succeptable to things my body should've been able to handle.
Just one thing: if you try raw eggs, you should start with half a teaspoon the first day, a whole teaspoon the next, etc. This will gradually build the good bacteria in your belly.
I did have a touch of diarreah in the beginning, but nothing major. There's gonna be an adjustment period.