What do you think to keep yourself fit?


New member
Hello there
What do you think to keep yourself fit?
Tell me. I want to share my ideas and wanna learn from you guys.
walking...what are you ideas?
Don't know Korrie,

What do you think to loose extra weight? only exercise is enough? what do you people think to take a weight loss pill to loose extra weight?
Weight loss pills are a joke and I think thats the overall feeling of them here in our community. Even Ali which is FDA approved even admits once you stop taking the pill, you'll regain the weight.

I think weight loss comes down to calories in vs calories out...as simple as that. People try to make it more difficult than what it is. I don't think exercise is even a total necessity of weight loss. You don't burn enough calories in exercise to have it be a major contributing factor. Although I will say that exercise has its place. It stimulates the body and mind and for that reason, you should engage in 30 minutes a day of whatever type of activity that gets that heart pumping.



Only You are the administrator and you are the only viewer? Nobody visits this place?

I just want to share my experience about taking weight loss pills. Initially I had a bad reputation for these pills. I never want to take those pills. But I have to take a pill when my doc suggested me to take. And very surprisingly it works really.
hi?? to keep myself fit I think how great I will look in a size 12 jeans. And being healthy. If ur dr recommended pills and they work for you then why not as long as there's no risk but I tore a foot muscle doing a 10k on the treadmill so everything has some risk??
Good luck with ur journey. Hope you get more followers.
Take an holistic approach. Eat healthy foods and then only in moderation. Exercise regularly, if you are starting out, then I suggest you take care and build up your level of fitness gradually. Get good quality sleep at night. Minimise stress, learn to relax and take time out. Maintain a work life balance.
Thanks Linky. Would surely take your suggestion. Sometime its very difficult to have a balanced life in tough work schedules.
It is hard for me to tell others how to "think" to stay fit! I can lose weight and keep it off for a while; but as you guys know, it is hard to stay with a plan all the time so I end up gaining some weight back. I have found joining a forum like this one and talking to people with like problems helps me, and join in on some of the challenges can help too. I have been absent for awhile but I am back, this is a good weight loss forum!

I try to drink at least 64 oz of water a day and I keep a record of my water and food intake while trying to lose. Fruit smoothy is delicious and is satisfying for a sweet tooth. You need a blender for this drink and you may want to buy some straws.

1/4 cup West Soy Milk or Almond Soy (organic unsweetened)
1 banana
1/2 cup Greek yogurt (Face total 2%)
A little honey (pure) and Cinnamon
blend for about 15 seconds add
1 cup of frozen blueberries or strawberries or mixed fruit.
Use pulse and blend again.

I add 1tbsp of peanut butter for my breakfast smoothy. I use the West soy for breakfast and the Almond soy at night; it helps me to sleep better. You need a little fat; adding a little avocado is a good fat too. You can add fresh baby spinach in your smoothy and you can't taste it. Enjoy!
Thanks anna for the great suggestion. Do you have any idea about sauna bath?