Sport What Do You Substitute With Tuna?

Sport Fitness
You're so technical with your medieval lingo.

Isn't it great phrasing? I use it to describe women who keep having pregnancy after pregnancy only to have them miscarried. For some of them, it is truly pathological and sad. I am glad that was not the case with the OP's friend.
Exactly. If she had mercury poisoning, the doctor would have learned it during her first prenatal visit of the first pregnancy. Are we to believe that she went about in a state of mercury poisoning for years and it was never noticed ny any doctor? The fact is that some women are not intended to bear children, and rather than accept that fact, she blamed canned tuna. Whatever helps her sleep at night, I suppose.

It's not often that agree totally with Tanizaki but he's spot on here, Mercury poisoning isn't something that would have gone un-noticed prior to the pregnancy.
It's a real shame about the mis-carriage but I think she's clutching at straws by blaming Tuna. I've been through the pain of a miscarriage with my girlfriend and I know how much this person will want to attribute it to something specific so she can place blame but the truth is that canned Tuna doesn't contain much Mercury. Some people are just unlucky and miscarry often